Sweep account service
A sweep account service is an automated service used when the level on an account exceeds a certain amount, or falls short of a certain level. Balances will be transferred to different account(s). It has two main features for customers to choose: 1. Sweep out- An expenditure transaction is made on your behalf when the balance of the account exceeds the set amount. 2. Sweep in- An expenditure transaction is made on your behalf from another account when the income account balance is set for a certain amount, but the actual account balance is less than the set amount.
  1. No fees charged for ‘intra-bank’ (within TransBank account) transactions;
  2. Saves your precious time.


Шимтгэл, хураамж

Available service fees

Fees and charges

Admission fee /annually/

50,000 MNT

Intra-bank transactions fee /transactions made between TransBank accounts/

No fee

Eligibility or required documents
  1. A formal request or official letter provided by the customer is required to apply for this service