Brief introduction of the bank

TransBank was established in 1997 and is now in its 28th year of stable operations within Mongolia’s banking and financial system. It is the country’s first private bank to offer services that meet international standards.

In 2016, the bank underwent a transformation when its shareholders were renewed, and it became a 100% Mongolian-owned institution, marking the beginning of a new era in its history.

In 2021, following amendments to the Law on Banks and the Law on Companies, TransBank and Credit Bank merged on July 27 with approval from the Bank of Mongolia, expanding its operations significantly.

In 2020, TransBank became the second bank to increase its paid-up capital to MNT 100 billion and was recognized for its sustainable financing practices, winning awards such as'Best TSO” and'Socially Responsible Bank” from AsiaMoney magazine.

In line with amendments to the Law on Banks in 2021, TransBank submitted its plan to become a joint-stock company to the Bank of Mongolia and the Financial Regulatory Commission. In 2022, the plan was approved, and TransBank officially became a joint-stock company. Today, the bank continues to grow, offering comprehensive financial services to customers through its 13 branches.

As a forward-thinking leader in the industry, TransBank strives to be a trusted financial partner for its customers, valuing mutual success. The bank prioritizes customer-centric services, using advanced technologies and international banking practices to ensure transparent and sustainable operations.


We will deliver comprehensive advanced financial solutions supporting sustainable development to each client based on our skilled team, responsible financing, customer-centric service, social responsibility and good governance.


Our bank will become a private bank of international standards.


Your financial partner to accelerate development

  1. Prioritizing relationships based on trust and respect;
  2. Supporting each other and working as a team;
  3. Creating shared value and working towards a common goal.
  1. Professional;
  2. High performance and productivity;
  3. Working diligently and with dedication.
  1. Having a strong understanding of business conditions;
  2. Analyzing and assessing issues accurately;
  3. Proposing effective and smart solutions.
  1. With high ethics and principles;
  2. Being accountable for actions, words, and deeds;
  3. Following a priority order of customer, team, society, and personal interests.
  1. Aspiring to change and development, innovative, and creative in thinking;
  2. A continuous learner dedicated to self-awareness and growth;
  3. Disciplined, goal-oriented, and a strong leader who never strays from their objectives.
Business strategy

We are expanding our operations in the following 7 areas to exceed our customers’ expectations by providing comprehensive and satisfying financial services based on their needs, thereby enhancing their financial capabilities and confidence, and increasing their value.

  • Private Banking
  • China Cooperation
  • Industry and Mining
  • Export and Import Trade
  • Public and Private Sector
  • Construction and Infrastructure
  • New Projects
Банкны түүхэн замнал, онцлох үйл явдлууд
2016 оны 10-р сар

Банкны хувьцаа эзэмшигчид шинэчлэгдэж, 100% Монголын хөрөнгө оруулалттай банк боллоо.