Working capital loan
To increase operating income and profits, improve the quality of products and services, increase the type of business, and fully meet the necessary financial needs, we offer working capital loans on flexible and favorable terms to our citizens, industry units and partners.
Terms and conditions
Current asset loan MNT USD EUR CNY JPY
Maximum loan amount The maximum loan amount will be determined depending business, capital and financial ability
Loan interest /month/


1.5%-1.1% 1.2%-0.85% 1.2%-0.85%


Loan interest /annual/


18.0%-13.2% 14.4%-10.2% 14.4%-10.2%


Term of loan

Up to 36 months

Service fee 1% of the loan amount or the maximum amount is 1,500,000 MNT 0.5% of the loan amount or the maximum amount is 1,500 US dollars and the equivalent in EUR, CNY and JPY
Increased interest

The increased interest rate is equal to 20% of the principal interest rate

Benefits of Changes to the Original Loan Term


Period of exemption from principal
Up to 12 months
Application Fee

30,000 MNT

Credit database reference fee

For each inquiry during the loan investigation /Citizen, Organization/ – 1,000 MNT

Actual cost /annual/: 19.6%-24.4%

  • Last 12 months continuous business experience;
  • Qualify for collateral
  • Other requirements from the bank.
Eligibility or required documents
  • Loan application letter;
  • Loan application /from Bank/;
  • Resolution of the Board of Directors/Shareholders’ Meeting/ on taking a loan. /The decision specifying the requested loan amount, interest rate, term, and collateral and appointing the person authorized to sign/;
  • A copy of the certificate and charter must be certified by a notary;
  • Copy of identity card of the person authorized to sign the loan agreement / founders, general director, executive director, etc., borrower’s resume;
  • Special licenses, business plans and other documents related to business activities;
  • ;References /in the name of Organization and major shareholders/
  • Other Required documents;