TransBank provides a wide range of swift, optimal products and services to fulfill the needs of its customers in addition to cooperating with businesses and business owners operating in the economically significant sectors of Mongolia.

Alongside the blooming of the cherry blossoms, symbolizing the time of a new beginning, TransBank has successfully held the inauguration ceremony of its first international representative office in Tokyo, Japan on April 7th, 2023.

The long-lived friendly relationship, partnership, development and The Economic Cooperation Treaty between Japan and Mongolia has created a pleasant business environment to conduct our business enabling us to build a long-term close partnership with our customers and to establish the foundation of trust and near-future achievements.

Through our representative office, we will become a financial bridge to create opportunities of cooperation by connecting Japanese business owners and financial institutions to Mongolian businesses through providing accurate economic and market information of Mongolia.

Within the framework of sound cooperation and speed of growth based on the recognized needs of our customers, we are striving towards becoming a world-class bank.

Download the internet bank

We offer you a system that never fails and an internet banking service that can be connected from anywhere. If you want to download the app, please follow the link below.

We offer you a system that never fails and an internet banking service that can be connected from anywhere. If you want to download the app, please follow the link below.