Service types | Contribution fee |
Statement of account /1 page/ | 100 MNT |
Description: /Citizen, Organization/ | |
Account description /in Mongolian, in English/ | 4,000 MNT |
Account description /Online bank/ | 2,000 MNT |
Description with additional information at the customer’s request | 15,000 MNT |
Description related to the account within 14 days or less after opening the account or changing the co-owner of the account | 30,000 MNT |
When the definition is given again /1 more/ | 1,000 MNT |
Description of Availability in Credit Loan Survey | 30,000 MNT |
Print receipts, expenses and non-cash receipts from the program | 300 MNT |
Filtering documents from the archive and making copies of documents /every page/ | 3,000 MNT/within 1 year/
5,000 MNT /within 1-3 years/ 10,000 MNT/3 more year/ |
Making a correction transaction due to the customer’s fault | 500 MNT |
Customer Daily Statement | Free |
Savings book | Free |
Cashier’s check /For organizations/ | |
One page | 200 MNT |
In a book /with 25 pages/ | 4,000 MNT |
Signature Verification Form | Free |
Debit and credit transaction form | |
Account opening request form | |
Account Balance Confirmation Form |
Account Statements and Enquiries
1. Make a description of communication, savings and credit accounts /in English and Mongolian/;
2. Make a description at the customer\'s request;
3. Whether or not there is a loan survey and make a definition related to the loan;
4. Making correction transactions /transactions caused by the customer\'s own fault/;
5. Issuance of savings account statements and notebooks;
6. Search documents from archives.
Contribution fee