Most money

Mongolia’s first digital wallet, Most Money—a comprehensive solution designed to meet your daily financial needs. Manage your accounts across multiple financial institutions seamlessly in one convenient platform.

  • Fast and Reliable;
  • The easiest payment solution;
  • Pay all kinds of utility bills in the easiest way;
  • All types of money transfers as well as crypto transfers;
  • Accessible from all types of devices;
  1. Pay loan and installment payment;
  2. Save template: Customizable for regular and scheduled transactions;
  3. Government service tax and customs transactions;
  4. Make payments and transfers using QR code;
  5. Use your TAN code to make deposit and withdrawal, access to E-mongolia;
  6. Participating in Mongolian securities trading;
  7. Control your personal finances;
  8. Register family member as sub-users and share your account;
  9. Making purchases online;
  10. Inquiry and payment of vehicle taxes, fines, and tolls;
Intra-Bank transaction fee 100MNT /Intra-Bank/
Intra-Bank transaction fee 300MNT
Required documents

You can register for Internet banking by visiting the nearest TransBank branch with a valid ID card, filling out a customer application form, and signing the required agreement.


  • ID card or foreign passport