Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

We offer high-interest corporate savings and guaranteed term savings services.

Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit


  • The ability to add funds to your deposit account any time;
  • The maximum interest rate on deposits announced by the bank;
  • Manage your bank deposit accounts using online banking services;
  • Monthly expenses are available;
Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

Terms and conditions

Incentive savings of 6 months deposit terms
Tenors 6 months
Currency MNT
Annual interest rates 14.0%
Interest rate upon early termination of contract /annual/ 2.4%-4.8%
Minimum deposit requirement 10,000 MNT
Interest rate payments At maturity date
Earning conditions Possible
Withdrawal condition Monthly
Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

Fees and charges

Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

Eligibility or required documents

  1. Application form for legal entities /download here/;
  2. An official letter for opening a new bank account;
  3. Notarized copy of ‘State Registration Certificate’;
  4. Notarized copy of Company’s ‘Charter or Memorandum of Association (MOA);
  5. Notarized signature of applicant /download here/;
  6. Declaration of Beneficial Ownership /download here/;
  7. Copy of ID card of the authorized personnel to operate the account;
  8. Additional documents /if necessary/.