Financial education

TransBank has been registered as a Direct Participant in the Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market.

The Mongolian Securities Dealers Association registered TransBank as a Direct Participant in the Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market at its Registration Committee meeting on November 19, 2021. This will provide TransBank clients with greater opportunities to issue their securities in the over-the-counter market and thereby attract financing in a short time.

Financial education News


TransBank has directly connected to the world-leading Visa International organization’s “Visa Net” network. “Visa Net” is the world’s largest and most centralized network that provides security for the transmission, verification, and execution of electronic payments based on international card payment technology, infrastructure, and innovation.

By implementing a series of projects to create an independent digital payment system from 2023, the TransBank has become a full member of Visa International, a direct participant in the National Electronic Transaction Center under the Bank of Mongolia, and a full member of Unionpay International, with independent card software based on the latest “TranzAxis” platform of the card payment management system of the UK-based “Compass Plus Technologies”.

This allows TransBank cardholders to quickly access more than 100 million service providers from more than 15,000 banks and financial institutions in more than 200 countries around the world. In addition, the bank is working to ensure the safety and reliability of its cardholders’ payments with the help of the “Fraud monitoring system” to prevent the risk of payment card fraud and the “VAA system” of VISA International’s security control and monitoring on the Visa Net network.

In addition, Transport Development Bank’s client businesses have opened up a new avenue and opportunity for expanding their business operations by accepting card payments from 4.2 billion VISA cardholders worldwide.

Financial education News


The TransBank has received approval from the General Commission for Financial Supervision and Regulation of the People’s Republic of China to establish a representative office and has officially opened a representative office in Beijing, China.

Through the representative office, it provides Chinese entrepreneurs and financial institutions with relevant information about the Mongolian economy and market, and opens up favorable opportunities for cooperation by serving as a financial bridge connecting business organizations with Mongolian companies.

Financial education News


The TransBank has successfully received a total of USD 24.7 million in external resources from banks and financial institutions based in Germany, Singapore, and Japan as of the first quarter of 2024. Of this, USD 6.4 million in green financing has been received from external markets as part of its efforts to expand sustainable and green financing.

Additionally, a total of 7.1 million USD was repaid in principal and interest payments from external sources, continuing long-term and reliable cooperation with client banking and financial institutions, further increasing external sources.

TransBank has been supporting green projects that promote environmentally friendly businesses, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve energy efficiency and efficiency, and offers a variety of green loan products for consumers and businesses to its customers.

Within the framework of this financing, we offer our customers flexible and favorable green loans that support environmentally friendly activities and eco-products, creating an opportunity to fight climate change together and contribute to our planet. In connection with this financing, we aim to improve and make our products and services more convenient in order to reach our customers in an efficient and accessible way.

Financial education News

Bank of Mongolia : Statement

The Bank is under the constant supervision and regulation of the Bank of Mongolia because it accumulates and stores the funds of citizens, legal entities, and the public on the basis of mutual trust, and uses these resources to engage in financial intermediation activities, playing an important role in the country’s economic development and financial stability.

Law enforcement agencies conducted a search of the TransBank as part of a criminal investigation into certain prominent individuals, and it was reported on social media and some media outlets that the bank may have been involved in illegal activities.

Any person who becomes a significant shareholder of a bank or acts as a bank manager is subject to legal regulations that require permission and notification from the Bank of Mongolia, and the individuals named in the information are not shareholders or managers of the TransBank. It is also worth noting that the bank is not responsible for any obligations of the shareholder and is exempt from and separate from the liability of the shareholder.

The operations of the TransBank are conducted in accordance with the Law on Banking and relevant laws. While monitoring the financial condition and prudential criteria, the Bank of Mongolia is ready to take relevant measures in accordance with the law to ensure the stability of not only the bank itself but also the banking sector.

Financial education


2024 оны 4-р сарын 15-нд олон нийтийн цахим сүлжээнд банкны нэрийг оролцуулсан нэг талын тэнцвэргүй мэдээллүүд цацагдаж, Тээвэр хөгжлийн банкны ажил хэргийн нэр хүндэд халдсанд харамсаж байна.

Тээвэр хөгжлийн банк нь Монгол Улсын хууль тогтоомж, Монголбанкнаас батлан гаргасан дүрэм журмыг чанд мөрдөж, банкны зохистой харьцааны шалгуур үзүүлэлтийг тогтмол ханган, олон улсад нэр хүнд бүхий KPMG, BDO зэрэг хөндлөнгийн аудитын байгууллагаар банкны тоон үзүүлэлт, үйл ажиллагаа, санхүүгийн тайланг жил бур хянуулан баталгаажуулж, банкны зээлжих зэрэглэл, хэтийн төлөвийн үнэлгээг олон улсын Moody’s үнэлгээний байгууллагаар тогтмол хийлгэн, дэвшилтэт техник технологид суурилсан шинэлэг бүтээгдэхүүн, үйлчилгээг харилцагч нартаа хүргэн ажиллаж ирсэн.

Манай банк 2023 онд улсын төсөвт 24.3 тэрбум төгрөгийн татварыг төвлөрүүлж, Монгол Улсын ТОП 100 аж ахуйн нэгжийн нэгээр шалгарсны зэрэгцээ Олон улсын VISA интернэшнл байгууллагын сүлжээнд нэгдэн орж, картын төлбөр тооцооны бие даасан процессингийн төвийг шинээр байгуулан, үйл ажиллагаагаа өдрөөс өдөрт өргөжүүлж, харилцагч нартаа банкны бүх төрлийн үйлчилгээг түргэн шуурхай, найдвартай, хүртээмжтэйгээр үзүүлэх замаар бизнесийн үр өгөөж, үнэ цэнийг бүтээж, нийгмийн хариуцлагыг хэрэгжүүлэхэд манлайлан оролцож байна.

Тээвэр хөгжлийн банк нь харилцагчдадаа найдвартай, итгэлтэй үйлчилгээг үзүүлэн, санхүүгийн түнш байж, цаашид ч Монгол Улсын банк санхүүгийн салбарын ууган банкны хувьд тогтвортой, хэвийн үйл ажиллагаагаа хадгалан ажиллаж, та бүхэнтэй хамтран ажиллах болно.

Иймд олон нийтийн мэдээллийн хэрэгслээр зохион байгуулалттай гэж харагдахуйц хэмжээнд Тээвэр хөгжлийн банкны ажил хэргийн нэр хүндэд халдсан мэдээлэл тарааж байгаа нь үндэслэлгүй болохыг хариуцлагатайгаар мэдэгдэж байна.

Financial education News


Тээвэр хөгжлийн банк 2024 оны нэгдүгээр улирлын санхүүгийн тайлангаа танилцуулж байна.

Банкны нийт активын хэмжээ 1.1 их наяд төгрөгт хадгалагдсан бол татварын дараах цэвэр ашиг 5.7 тэрбум төгрөгт хүрснээр өмнөх оны мөн үеэс 60 хувийн өсөлт үзүүллээ.

Тайлант хугацаанд Монголбанкнаас тогтоосон зохистой харьцааны шалгуур үзүүлэлтүүдийг бүрэн хангаж ажилласан ба үүнээс төлбөр түргэн гүйцэтгэх чадварын харьцаа 30.1 хувь, өөрийн хөрөнгийн хүрэлцээ 23.0 хувь байна. Харилцах, хадгаламжийн багц 737 тэрбум төгрөг, зээлийн багц 706 тэрбум төгрөгт хүрч харилцагч, түншүүдийн хамтын ажиллагааг өргөжүүлсэн байна.

2024 оны I улирлын санхүүгийн тайлантай ЭНД ДАРЖ дэлгэрэнгүй танилцаарай.

Financial education News


TransBank provides a wide range of swift, optimal products and services to fulfill the needs of its customers in addition to cooperating with businesses and business owners operating in the economically significant sectors of Mongolia.

Alongside the blooming of the cherry blossoms, symbolizing the time of a new beginning, TransBank has successfully held the inauguration ceremony of its first international representative office in Tokyo, Japan on April 7th, 2023.

The long-lived friendly relationship, partnership, development and The Economic Cooperation Treaty between Japan and Mongolia has created a pleasant business environment to conduct our business enabling us to build a long-term close partnership with our customers and to establish the foundation of trust and near-future achievements.

Through our representative office, we will become a financial bridge to create opportunities of cooperation by connecting Japanese business owners and financial institutions to Mongolian businesses through providing accurate economic and market information of Mongolia.

Within the framework of sound cooperation and speed of growth based on the recognized needs of our customers, we are striving towards becoming a world-class bank.

Financial education News


TransBank has launched a “Customer Information Profile Update Campaign” across all its branches to protect its customers from any financial risks they may encounter.

Commercial banks are required to update customer information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. By updating your information, you, the customer, can receive banking services continuously and quickly, and prevent risks such as third-party attacks and fraud.

The “Customer Information Profile Update Campaign” will continue until October 14, 2023, and you can update your PERSONAL and ORGANIZATIONAL information by visiting your nearest bank branch in person with your documents.

Your contact information should include:

Citizen Organization
ü  Contact phone number

ü  Email adress

ü  Permanent adress

ü  Employment information

ü  Renewal of documents if they expire

ü Certificate of state registration of a legal entity, charter

ü  Field of activity

ü  Address, phone number, email address

ü Information on the ultimate owner and authorized persons of the executive management, and identity cards

ü If the field of activity requires a special license, the special license

Customers are required to update their information at least every 3-5 years, even if any of the information listed above has changed.

For more information, please contact any branch of the bank nearest you or the Customer Service Center at 7716-9999.



Financial education News



The TransBank ranked 88th in the TOP-100 competition, which is jointly organized by the Government of Mongolia and the Mongolian National Institute of Technology and Innovation, recognizing and honoring the best enterprises that make a real contribution to the country’s social and economic development.

The “TOP-100” were selected and honored based on key indicators such as annual revenue, taxes paid to the state budget, the number of employees who paid social insurance, profits, and assets.

TransBank, one of the oldest commercial banks in Mongolia, was founded in 1997 and is now in its 26th year of providing financial services with a professional approach, reliability, and speed.

We are always an innovator in our industry and a reliable financial partner bank that values ​​shared values. We also provide our customers with international-standard private banking services, leading international banking and financial expertise, and modern, advanced technology, while emphasizing customer-centric services that meet their every need, and focusing on transparent and sustainable operations.

The bank’s financial performance has been growing rapidly year after year, and its position in the banking system is expanding. Last year was a special year, with total assets reaching 1.2 trillion tugriks, an increase of 59.9 percent over the previous year.

We would like to thank all of our valued customers and organizations for trusting us and working together to make a real contribution to economic development.