
Иргэдийн гадаад төлбөр, тооцоо

Дэлгэрэнгүйг энд дарж харна уу.


Syndicated loans

Syndicated Loan

A syndicated loan is a loan scheme in which one or more banks and financial institutions jointly provide long-term investments to meet the financial needs of a single customer, and co-provide your financial needs. 

We can provide syndicated loans in cooperation with Mongolian and international banking and financial institutions.

Please contact us at

Factoring Service

Factoring Service

Factoring services can be used by both importers and exporters.

We offer you short-term international financing instruments that can increase your sales turnover.

Please contact us at

Trade loans

ECA Covered Financing

We offer you long-term loan financing with favorable conditions for the purchase of imported goods and services with a high value for the investment, production and infrastructure development sectors. 

Please contact us at

Trade loans

Post Shipment Financing

In order to support our client’s import turnover and enhance their working capital, we are offering short and medium-tenured financing solutions, tailored to the lifecycle of the underlying goods, with competitive rates to finance the import value after the shipment of the goods.

Trade loans

Pre-Shipment Financing

To support our client’s cross-border trade business and enhance their working capital, we are offering short and medium-tenured financing solutions with competitive rates to both exporters and importers to finance the trade value before the shipment of the underlying goods.

Collection Service

Key advantages

  • The Importer can defer the payment of the shipped goods using the D/A collection option upon mutual agreement with the counterparty 
  • The Exporter can receive the payment as quickly after shipping the goods and dispatching the documents to the importer
  • The documents provided under the collection service enable greater security of payment to the exporter compared to the open account service. 
  • Less legal risk by adhering to the International Chamber of Commerce Rules.
Collection Service

Collection service – Process flow


Collection Service

Fees and Commission


Fees and commission

Advising of collection  

USD 10.00

Advising of refusal to make payment or receiving of documents

USD 10.00

Receipt of amendment  to collection instruction

USD 10.00

Release of documents against payment

USD 30.00

Release of documents against acceptance

USD 5.00

Release of documents against other instruction(s)

USD 50.00

Payment against acceptance

USD 25.00

Returning of unpaid documents

USD 10.00

Dispute regarding unpaid draft

USD30.00 + other charge

Release the underlying goods sent to the disposition of bank

USD 20.00


Collection Service

Financial advice

We are keen to work together to provide you with valuable financial advice and bring your business up to international business standards, from the time that you sign a trade agreement until receive your goods as an importer and receive payment for the goods that you sell as an exporter.

Please contact us at

Finance and Tax

Registration of Representative office

  • Registration of taxpayers, making amendments and removal.
  • An entity covered by Article 6 of the Corporate Income Tax Law shall submit the following documents 10 days prior to the commencement of operations and submit an application for registration as a taxpayer to the tax administration electronically or on paper:
  • An application form for taxpayer registration
  • Resolution of a foreign business entity establishing a representative office in Mongolia, stating the operational areas, duration, name of management team and number of employees;
  • Tax-resident certificate
  • Documents proving the registration of the parent company as a legal entity /copy /, copy of company charter;
  • A copy of the agreement concluded with a Mongolian entity proving the income source is originated from Mongolia
  • Evidence of address and location of the representative office
  • Resolution and power of attorney appointing the head of the representative office;
  • Copies of the application form and documents of the representative office /if the management is a Mongolian citizen, a copy of the ID card is required, if the management if foreign citizen,  a temporary ID card registered with the Foreign Citizenship Office and a copy of the passport is required/;
  • Beginning financial statement of Representative office
License to provide consulting services for roads and road facilities

Required materials

  1. Applicant information
  2. Application for the related type of work involved
  3. Management information
  4. Engineer and technician information
  5. List of machinery and equipment
  6. Production base and site information
  7. Once the application has been received, the Working Group may request other documents during the review process.
  8. Equipment and tools must meet the technological components, quantity and use requirements for the work, and at least 60% of the total machinery and equipment shall be the asset of the applicant.


An application is reviewed and resolved within 21 working days from the date of receipt of the documents from the in accordance with Article 12 of the Law on Licensing of Business Activities.

Finance and Tax

To register a legal entity registered in the state registry as a taxpayer

  1. Filling of the taxpayer registration form (Form TB-01 for corporates and TB-02 for other organizations)
  2. Copy of certificate of registration
  3. Charter of a legal entity
  4. Founder’s application form, copies of ID card
  5. Bank account statement of the legal entity
  6. Management application form and copy of ID card
  7. Renting agreement (if the office is rent basis)
Finance and Tax

Tax percentage and discount

20.1. In accordance with Articles 18.2, 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5 of this Law, if the taxable annual income is between MNT 0-6 billion, the rate of 10 percent shall be imposed whereas if the taxable income is above MNT 6 billion, the tax would be calculated as MNT 600 milliont plus 25 percent on any exceeding amount.

20.2. The following taxable income of a taxpayer shall be taxed at the following percentages:

20.2.1. In the income specified in 18.6.1, 18.6.2, 18.6.3, 18.6.7 and 18.7 of this law

  • fee income 10%
  • dividend income 10%
  • interest income 10%
  • 10 percent;
  • proceeds from the sale and transfer of immovable property at 2 percent;
  •  real estate tax 0.6-1%

20.2.3. In the income specified in 18.6.5 of this law – 40 percent is imposed on winnings from paid games, and lotteries;

20.2.4. In the income specified in Articles 18.6.6 and 18.6.8 of this Law

– 20 percent on the profit transferred from the representative office to its parent in the given tax year;

– 5 percent on the interest income of Mongolian taxpayer issued foreign and domestic securities being traded in the primary and secondary markets.

20.2.7. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 20.1 of this Law, earned taxable income of up to MNT 300 million per year specified in Articles 18.2, 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5 of this Law.  1 percent on the taxable income of a taxpayer operating in sectors other than as specified in clauses of 22.1.1, 22.1.2, 22.1.3, and 5 percent of the income from the sale of intellectual property rights.

– Royalties 2.5-5% on mineral resource reserve use

20.3.  In the case of a stabilization certificate holder, a tax shall be imposed at a stabilized rate and rate during the validity period of the stabilization certificate.

Labor force license

Documents to be submitted when applying for a license:

  1. When applying for a work permit in Mongolia, a document describing the demand for foreign labor, scope, duration, characteristics of the labor force, place of residence, professional skills, experience and competencies must be submitted.
  2. Notarized copy of legal entity certificate of registration and certificate of foreign invested legal entity.
  3. Labor contract concluded with a foreign legal entity;
  4. Copy of foreign labor passport
  5. Copy of foreign labor technical certificate
  6. Certificate of employment

Application period: 21 working days, in case of emergency situations occured, the permit will be extended by 14 days

The work permit is valid for a maximum of 1 year and can be extended for a longer period.