Construction license

Documentation and materials required to apply for a license:

  • The applicant is a legal entity and compiles a state statistical certificate.
  • If the applicant is a citizen, a copy of the ID card is required.
  • Certified copy of graduation certificate of all engineers and technicians who meet the requirements of the relevant type of work and certificate of professional engineering degree;
  • For buildings more than 30 meters high, more than 60 meters long, and more than 16 floors, the construction work and construction design of water and electricity supply sources shall be decided by the meeting of the Ministry of Construction. A copy of the architectural design shall be attached.
  • Tax payer

 Documentation required to apply for a license to produce construction materials (as an in addition to the above documents):

  • Copy of production technical manual registration.
  • Copy of product certificate (for companies)
  • Product test certificate (for companies)
  • Construction permits are issued for a period of five years and can be extended for the same period.

When renewing a license, the license holder must enter the information of the engineer and technician in electronic form in the database.  The license holder shall register the construction project report of the legal entity in the database.

A foreign legal entity shall attach a certified copy of the translation of the license issued by the competent authority of home country when applying for a license.

Deadline for application for a permit:

Within 21 working days after receipt of the application for permission of the legal entity.  In case of emergency situation occurs, the permit will be extended by 14 days.

If permission is denied, a written response shall be provided stating the reasons

Application form (clearly indicating the scope and timing of production and service activities)

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