Finance and Tax

Tax percentage and discount

20.1. In accordance with Articles 18.2, 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5 of this Law, if the taxable annual income is between MNT 0-6 billion, the rate of 10 percent shall be imposed whereas if the taxable income is above MNT 6 billion, the tax would be calculated as MNT 600 milliont plus 25 percent on any exceeding amount.

20.2. The following taxable income of a taxpayer shall be taxed at the following percentages:

20.2.1. In the income specified in 18.6.1, 18.6.2, 18.6.3, 18.6.7 and 18.7 of this law

  • fee income 10%
  • dividend income 10%
  • interest income 10%
  • 10 percent;
  • proceeds from the sale and transfer of immovable property at 2 percent;
  •  real estate tax 0.6-1%

20.2.3. In the income specified in 18.6.5 of this law – 40 percent is imposed on winnings from paid games, and lotteries;

20.2.4. In the income specified in Articles 18.6.6 and 18.6.8 of this Law

– 20 percent on the profit transferred from the representative office to its parent in the given tax year;

– 5 percent on the interest income of Mongolian taxpayer issued foreign and domestic securities being traded in the primary and secondary markets.

20.2.7. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 20.1 of this Law, earned taxable income of up to MNT 300 million per year specified in Articles 18.2, 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5 of this Law.  1 percent on the taxable income of a taxpayer operating in sectors other than as specified in clauses of 22.1.1, 22.1.2, 22.1.3, and 5 percent of the income from the sale of intellectual property rights.

– Royalties 2.5-5% on mineral resource reserve use

20.3.  In the case of a stabilization certificate holder, a tax shall be imposed at a stabilized rate and rate during the validity period of the stabilization certificate.

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