Mortgage loan

Terms and conditions

Mortgage loan




Maximum limit

Up to 500.000.000 MNN or equivalent of USD

The loan analysis will be conducted using a standard form. The loan analysis will examine the borrower’s ability to repay the loan and assess the financial difficulties that the borrower may face. The total loan and interest payments of the borrower on a monthly basis shall not exceed 60% of debt-to-income.

Down payment


If additional property is pledged the down payment amount can be decreased down to 0%

Interest rate

Down payment

 /Percentage of housing value /

Additional pledged property or 20.0%-29.9% of the amount  30.0%-39.9% 40.0%-49.9% 50.0% or above Additional property pledged

20% or above

Interest rate/monthly/ 

1.80% 1.70% 1.65% 1.60% 1.35% 1.00%
Interest rate/annually/ 21.6% 20.4% 19.8% 19.2% 16.2%



Up to 360 months

Up to 120 months

Service fee

1% of the loan amount /maximum MNT 1,500,000/ or equivalent currency

Penalty interest rate

Penalty interest rate /equivalent to 20% of base interest rate/ is added to the base interest rate

Fee for changing the original loan terms

1% of the loan balance

Loan application fee 

10,000 MNT
Credit recording enquiry fee /during loan analysis procedure/

Individual – 1,000 MNT

Corporate – 1,000 MNT

* Effective percentage rate /annual/: MNT 20.40%-21.86%

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