Labor relations


  1. Official letter completed in accordance with Form 3, detailing the need for the enterprise to continue to employ foreign workers and specialists
  2. Receipt of payment of service fee (MNT 22,500 / per person, Treasury, Social Welfare Department 100900017002 account)
  3. Receipt of payment for the extended period of work (640,000 MNT / per person / month, Treasury, FES account 100900037010), Note: The relevant fee will be paid to the specialist after checking the materials. (From January 1, 2020, the salary will be changed to MNT 840,000 / per person / month)
  4. ‘Work permit in Mongolia’ will be renewed. (3000 MNT / per person, Treasury, Social Welfare Department 100900017002 account). If the renewal period is over, the license will be reissued. 1 copy of the ID card (Requirement: size 3 × 4 cm; blue background, taken within the last 6 months, clear)
  5. A copy of the state registration certificate of the enterprise
  6. Certificate of license and a copy of its annex
  7. Copy of residence permit
  8. A copy of the government if exempted from quota by government decree
  9. Social Insurance Forms ND-7 and ND-8 for the last month confirming the number of employees who pay social insurance premiums in the organization
  10. Employment contract concluded with a foreign legal entity and its translation into Mongolian (Requirements: Employment contract must be extended, certified by a translation agency)
  11. Copy of foreign passport (with HG visa stamp)
  12. If the length of service in Mongolia is more than 6 months, repeat the HIV test, and if it is more than 1 year, repeat the 5 types of tests. cover letter.

Download link to the form – Extension (

  1. Reference from the Ministry and employment sector / Note: Applicable only to the Education sector /

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