- The official number of the entity that completed Form 1
- Receipt of payment of service fee (MNT 25,000 / per person, Treasury, Social Welfare Department 100900017002 account)
- A copy of the state registration certificate of the enterprise
- Certificate of license and a copy of its annex
- A copy of the government if exempted from quota by government decree
- Social Insurance Forms ND-7 and ND-8 for the last month confirming how many employees pay social insurance premiums to the organization
- Reference from the Ministry and agency of the employment sector
- Proposals from the Labor and Welfare Service Departments and Divisions of the respective state and districts
- Employment agreement with a foreign legal entity and its translation into Mongolian (with a stamp certified by a translation agency)
- Copy of foreign passport
- Copies of professional diplomas and certificates proving university graduation in the field of foreign employment (stamped by the translation agency)
- Bring the following materials:
Download link to the form: Урилга (hudulmur-halamj.gov.mn)