Job support loan


  1. The borrower must have run business operations inside Mongolian territory; 
  2. History of running the business in the last 12 months;
  3. Good credit history and score and other evidence of ability to repay the loan;
  4. Collateral to satisfy the bank’s requirements;
  5. In case of a legal entity, the shareholder has not changed since the Government Resolution was issued on February 17, 2021;
  6. The borrower must register the business as a value-added tax withholder or exempt from value-added tax;
  7. To meet the requirements set forth in Articles 4.1.1 and 7.1 of the Law on Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises and Services in case of insufficient collateral to obtain a guaranteed loan from the State Property Committee;
  8. Other requirements from the bank on a case by case basis;
  9. Other requirements set by the Bank for the implementation of this agreement within the framework of loan operations procedures and instructions.

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