Mortgage Loan


  • The applicant for the principal loan must not be a participant in any subsidized housing loan or rent-to-own housing program implemented or currently being implemented by the Government;
  • The apartment to be purchased does not exceed 80 square meters, is used for public purposes or received by the state commission, and is used for living;
  • To be able to pay/pay the advance payment;
  • The main loan applicant must have been employed in the organization in the last 1 year and the co-loan applicant in the last 6 months, or the loan applicant must have worked in the business in the last 2 years and the co-loan applicant in the last 6 months;
  • The applicant and the co-loan applicant must have no overdue loans;
  • Monthly loan payments must not exceed 45% of income before tax;
  • Get insurance and pay insurance related fees;