Flexible deposit

Eligibility or required documents

  • Application form for legal entities /download here/;
  • An official letter for opening a new bank account;
  • An original copy and a copy of license from the Mongolian Financial Regulatory Commission;
  • Notarized copy of ‘State Registration Certificate’;
  • Notarized copy of Company’s ‘Charter or Memorandum of Association (MOA);
  • Notarized signature of applicant /download here/;
  • Declaration of Beneficial Ownership /download here/;
  • Copy of ID card of the authorized personnel to dispose with an account;
  • Additional documents /if necessary/.
Quarterly financial statements

As of September 30, 2022

(in millions of MNT)

BALANCE SHEET ITEMS 31/12/2021 30/09/2022
1.1 Cash and cash equivalents             131,425                  212,181
1.2 Due from banks and financial institutions               28,907                    60,848
1.3 Financial investments               82,961                    21,778
1.4 Loans and advances to customers (net)             423,569                  510,101
1.4.1 Performing loans             416,828                 434,219
1.4.2 Non-performing loans               11,722                    92,120
1.4.3 Deferred loan payment                   (126)                        (118)
1.4.4 Accrued interest receivable                 6,219                       9,423
1.4.5 Loan Loss Provision             (19,415)                   (25,544)
1.5 Derivative financial assets                       36                      2,515
1.6 Other financial assets                       42                          120
1.7 Other non-financial assets               34,630                    86,279
1.8 Fixed assets (net)               11,459                    12,249
1.9 Intangible assets               10,024                      9,577
1.10 Total assets             723,053                  915,647
2.1 Current account               58,149                  102,051
2.2 Savings account             259,021                  369,787
2.3 Due to banks and financial institutions             132,946                  221,271
2.4 Other funds               82,048                    26,075
2.5 Derivative financial liabilities                       20                       3,404
2.6 Other liabilities                 8,165                       6,694
2.7 Total liabilities             540,349                  729,282
3.1 Share capital             146,474                  146,474
3.2 Share premium               15,645                    15,645
3.3 Treasury shares                        –                     (7,032)
3.4 Revaluation surplus                         1                              1
3.5 Retained earnings /loss/               20,446                    24,092
3.6 Other reserves                     138                          7,184
4 Total equity             182,704                  186,365
5 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY             723,053                  915,647


(in millions of MNT)

INCOME STATEMENT 31/12/2021 30/09/2022
1 Interest income               50,684                    59,723
1.1 From Bank of Mongolia                     132                            89
1.2 From Other banks & financial institutions                     855                       1,525
1.3 From securities                 4,493                       3,612
1.4 From loans               44,370                    51,530
1.5 Other interest income                     834                       2,968
2 Interest expense               24,882                    30,329
2.1 Interest expense on current account                        –                             –
2.2 Interest expense on savings account               19,963                    25,124
2.3 Interest expense on borrowed funds                 1,948                       1,818
2.4 Interest expense on securities                 1,574                       1,468
2.5 Other interest expense                 1,397                       1,918
3 NET INTEREST INCOME (1-2)               25,802                    29,394
4 Provision expenses (provision reverse income)                     599                      4,807
4.1 Deposits at other banks and financial institutions                     327                             –
4.2 Securities                       25                             –
4.3 Loans                     247                       4,807
5 Net interest income after provision [(3)-(4)]               25,203                    24,587
6 Other income                 4,249                    20,001
6.1 Non-interest income                 4,249                    19,761
6.1.1 Trading income                 3,393                       11,579
6.1.2 Exchange and revaluation adjustment expense                     349                       7,201
6.1.3 Fees and commission income                     507                          977
6.1.4 Other non-interest income                        –                              5
6.2 Other income                        –                            240
7 Other expense               15,559                    31,735
7.1 Non-interest expense               15,194                    31,401
7.1.1 Other provision expense                         1                             0
7.1.2 Trade expense                 1,936                       8,410
7.1.3 Exchange and revaluation adjustment expense                     429                       6,339
7.1.4 Fees and commission expense                     462                          855
7.1.5 Other operating expense               12,366                       15,797
7.2 Other expense                     365                          334
8 Profit Before Tax (5+6-7)               13,893                    12,853
9 Income tax expense                 2,441                       2,160
10 Profit After Taxes (8-9)               11,452                      10,693
11 Other comprehensive income                       92                             –
12 Total comprehensive income for the year (10+11)               11,544                      10,693


(in millions of MNT)

OFF BALANCE SHEET 31/12/2021 30/09/2022
Contingencies and commitments (net)               16,939                    12,841


Tier 1 ratio ≥ 9% 26.2%
Capital adequacy ratio ≥ 12% 26.2%
Liquidity ≥ 25% 30.3%
Foreign currency open position ratio (by each currency) < ±15% 6.0%
Foreign currency open position ratio (total) < ±30% -16.8%


(in millions of MNT)

Related parties Category of assets Balance % in total Equity
1 Loans and other equivalent asset provided to a related party (less than 5% of capital) 4.8%
1.1 Shareholders of the Bank                                –                        – 0.0%
1.2 Key management personnel                                –                        – 0.0%
1.3 Other related parties Loan                 8,851 4.8%
2 Total Loans and other equivalent asset provided to related parties (less than 20% of capital) 18.9%
2.1 Shareholders of the Bank Loan                     100 0.1%
2.2 Key management personnel Loan                     350 0.2%
2.3 Other related parties Loan               34,472 18.7%


On October 10th, 2022, TransBank got into a tri-party agreement with Zamiin-Uud Free Zone’s Director’s Office and KKTT KKC to introduce WeChat Pay inside the Free Zone area of Zamiin-Uud.

The benefit of this partnership will provide opportunity for citizens, companies and organizations to implement the payment system of WeChat Pay with ease and speed.

Parties involved in the agreement plan to expand the operation and work to maintain stable partnership.

In May 2022, TransBank and KKTT LLC successfully introduced the payment system of WeChat Pay.

The operation currently involves the conversion of service centers, restaurants, hotels, and other organizations which are popular among Chinese citizens, to become merchants and ultimately implement the payment system for each partner.

With the help of WeChat Pay’s system infrastructure, we enabled the opportunity to receive payments directly from Chinese citizens.


Promotion campaign


Once every year on October 31, people worldwide celebrate  “World Savings Day’ to raise awareness of the benefits of savings and accumulation.

To welcome this special day, Mongol Bank, Mongolian Banking Association, Germany’s Sparkasse Bank (Local Fund), Deposit Insurance Corporation of Mongolia, and several Mongolian banks are going into a partnership for the  “Let us Save For Our Future’ campaign.

For this occasion, TransBank will lower the requirements for the Term Deposit product to 0 tugriks and provide gifts to kids who opened the Golden Coin Kid’s Deposit.

TransBank welcomes you to come and visit a branch that’s nearest to you and receive this promotion.

“Let’s Save For Our Future”

Bank's history and highlights


Within the framework of social responsibility, based on the initiative of our employees, useful items and more than 1000 books have been donated to the “Tsuliin Sarnai” care center.

Smart savings


  • Create savings without financial pressure.
  • Learn the habit of saving.
Smart savings

Terms and conditions

Service Smart savings
Choices   Savings  Income savings Daily savings
Total amount:

–       1,000 MNT

–       2,000 MNT

–       3,000 MNT

–       4,000 MNT

–       5,000 MNT

Savings percent:

– 1.0%          – 6.0%

– 2.0%          – 7.0%

– 3.0%          – 8.0%

– 4.0%          – 9.0%

– 5.0%          -10.0%

Total amount:

–          1,000 MNT

–          2,000 MNT

–          3,000 MNT

–          4,000 MNT

–          5,000 MNT

Description Note for each non-cash (card) purchase and payment transaction, the transaction amount is rounded up to 5,000 and the difference is accumulated in the savings account. Accumulate a fixed percentage of the transaction amount in a savings account for each income transaction other than a loan Accumulate current account balances up to 5,000 and accumulate in savings account at 00.00 every day
Account The customer’s current account can be used, and if the customer does not have a current or savings account, can choose from the products specified  open a new account.
Service fee No fee
Registration Come to the branch of the bank with your documents and register for additional services.
Smart savings

Required documents

  • Customer application form;
  • Documents required:
    • For Mongolian citizens: Citizen’s ID card;
    • For Foreign citizens: Passport and Certificate of Alien Registration.

Автомашины зээл


Anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism policy:

Transport and Development Bank has implemented compliance principles into our business operation in accordance with the Law on Anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT Law), as well as regulations, recommendations and standards issued by international and domestic regulatory bodies.

The Bank has developed an AML/CFT program covering Know Your Customer (KYC) Procedure, Customer/Product ML/TF Risk assessment, Implementation of international sanctions and Correspondent bank and financial institution’s relationship in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

In accordance with the AML/CFT Law and Regulations, the Bank shall undertake appropriate KYC measures to fully ensure and verify customer’s data, payment slip, agreements, invoices and any other documents prior to providing any banking services.

The information indicated below shall be authenticated by an official source and documents. These include:

  1. The purpose of business relationship with the bank;
  2. Beneficial owner and shareholder structure, asset management information;
  3. Customers’ nature of business and operations are in line with the purpose of the transaction;

Prior to establishing any financial and business relationship with foreign banks, the Bank shall comply with the requirements of the Correspondent Banking Due Diligence Questionnaire (CBDDQ) and recommendations on correspondent banking relationships issued by Wolfsberg Group, US Patriot Act and FATCA Regulation.

Wolfsberg CBDDQ:

Please click on here to access Correspondent Banking Due Diligence Questionnaire (CBDDQ) for FIs defined by the “Wolfsberg Group”.

US Patriot Act:

Please click on here to access Global USA Patriot Act certification issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


Transport and Development Bank, akin to every financial institution in the world is obligated to report foreign financial assets and accounts held by US Person and legal entities to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).

Please click on here to access FATCA W-8BEN-E form completed by the Transport and Development Bank.

TransBank is committed to ensuring that it has adequate controls to counter money laundering and terrorist financing activities, in line with all applicable laws, rules and regulations mandated by the governments of Mongolia as well as other relevant international standards and/or recommendations.


Translation of legal and regulatory obligations into procedures

We have established policy and procedures designated to combat Money laundering and Terrorism Financing in line Mongolian AML law, FATF standards and other regulatory’ s respective rules and regulations. The AML/KYC policy is included policy of identifying and verifying the identity of the customers and of the beneficial owners on the basis of documents, data or information obtained from a reliable and independent source. We do not allow anonymous accounts.

Moreover, we pay special attention to:

  • Understand the ownership and control structure of our customers;
  • Obtain information on the purpose and intended nature of business relationship; and
  • Monitor the business relationships, including scrutiny of transactions to ensure consistency of transactions with obtained information about and intended nature of business relationship.

All legal and regulatory documents related to the Mongolian law and other international AML/CTF framework have been translated into internal written procedures and they are regularly reviewed and updated. These mandatory policies and procedures are compliant to the FATF and other AML standards.

The AML/CTF policies and procedures have been approved by the BoD.

Acceptance of new customer and new business relations

For all new accounts opening requests, branch front-office staffs are required to fill out a detailed questionnaire asking for precise information about prospective customers, their type of business, the origin of their wealth and the type of operations they to conduct with the bank, etc.

Prospective customers are screened in an ongoing process through official lists in order to avoid to enter into relationship with individuals or institutions which appear on applicable lists of terrorists or terrorist organizations, or against whom sanctions have been imposed by the UN or US OFAC list, EU or with someone being or having been involved in criminal activities.

We have procedures in place for the identification and the monitoring of politically exposed persons (PEPs). Enhanced due diligence is conducted on these customers. In accordance with a risk based approach, account opening requested by prospects considered as requiring an enhanced due diligence (such as PEP, clients’ resident in high risk country from AML/CTF perspective, clients having a high risk professional activity, etc) have to be formally approved by the Senior management with a Compliance recommendation.   The Bank does not enter knowingly into any business relation with a “shell bank/shell company”.

Any new business relation with a potential banking correspondent in a country with non-equivalent international and domestic AML/CTF measures has to be approved at Compliance level on the basis of a duly motivated request and a thorough analysis of the identity, the reputation and the AML process of that particular correspondent (for instance via the Wolfsberg questionnaire). We do not allow direct use of correspondent accounts by third parties (payable through account).

Monitoring transactions

We use dedicated AML tools to be detect suspicious transactions and to filter incoming and outgoing payments. The detection of suspicious transactions will trigger an in-depth investigation of the customer account by Compliance department who analyses deeply the situation. The bank filters transfer messages and screens its clients database against official lists and internal lists.

Employee AML/CTF training

A mandatory Compliance awareness and training program has been implemented in order to provide training and information to relevant employees taking into account the level of risk exposures of their function and to comply with the standing legal requirements. These trainings include introductory training for new employees as well as ongoing training for existing employees, either face-to-face or through other means. In case of legal or regulatory changes, supplementary training and information are provided.

Responsibility of branches, departments

Transbank has instructed all branches and departments to respect the Bank standards regarding AML/CTF and KYC. General AML/CTF policies and procedures are available to the employees on our internal intranet site. Starting 2022 Transbank’s branches have appointed internal Compliance staffs, each Compliance staff responsible for implementing AML/CTF policies and procedures within the branch, train and advice branch staff in order to opening a new account, conducting wire transfer, performing customer DD etc.

Our Internal Audit Department is auditing Compliance activity on a regular basis and compliance procedures and practices from AML/CTF perspective. In parallel, Compliance is also performing controls and risk assessments of the operational procedures and their practical application, new product and services.


Please find here under the information concerning the responsible AML Officers:

Delgersaihan Amarjargal
Head of Compliance unit
Tel: 976-7716999 (ext 114)

Turgerel Tumurkhuyag
Senior AML officer
Tel: 976-7716999 (ext 106)

Internal audit

The internal audit department is create the desired results in bank and customer, increase the value of operations, in order to improve:

  1. Bank’s internal control system
  2. Risk management system
  3. Independent implementation of governance principles, Confirm with a realistic approach, engaged in consulting activities.

Internal audit unit is works on the principle of reporting its work in audit committee, works on the principle of reporting in Executive management. The Board and the Audit Committee are ensure independence in internal audit, implements step-by-step measures in strengthen human resources.

The Internal audit department is evaluates the internal control system in accordance with the principles of The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway (COSO) and free from conflict of interest, real, principle of fairness is implemented of the risk based general, information technology audit,



As of second quarter of 2022, the total asset of the Bank reached MNT 837.2 billion, an increase of 102% compared to the same period in 2021, while the net profit reached MNT 9.8 billion, increasing by 145% compared to the same period of the previous year.

During the reporting period, the Bank fully complied with the prudential ratios set by the Bank of Mongolia and implemented a new risk based approach into its operations. As of first half of the 2021, the NPL ratio of the Bank stood at 3.1%, which is significantly lower than the banking sector average.

Furthermore, in order to expand the scope of our operations and to bring our services closer to our customers, the Bank has opened 3 new branches (Premium, Cedar and Munkh Tower), bringing the total number of branches to 11. We would also like to highlight introduction of the WeChat Pay international payment system by the Bank, which enables our customers access to 64 countries and range of new opportunities.

As of June 30, 2022, in accordance with Article 4, Clause 4.2 of the Banking Law and Article 4 of the Procedures on Complying with the Amendment to the Banking Law, we are pleased to announce that Transport and Development Bank has been restructured as Closed Joint Stock Company.

Click here to view the financial report for the second quarter of 2022.

Quarterly financial statements

Year-2022 Quarter- 2

(in millions of MNT)

BALANCE SHEET ITEMS 31/12/2021 30/06/2022
1.1 Cash and cash equivalents             131,425                     162,346
1.2 Due from banks and financial institutions               28,907                       56,337
1.3 Financial investments               82,961                       41,330
1.4 Loans and advances to customers (net)             423,569                     494,759
1.4.1 Performing loans             416,828                   491,699
1.4.2 Non-performing loans               11,722                       15,638
1.4.3 Deferred loan payment                   (126)                           (147)
1.4.4 Accrued interest receivable                 6,219                         9,983
1.4.5 Loan Loss Provision             (19,415)                     (22,414)
1.5 Derivative financial assets                       36                         1,318
1.6 Other financial assets                       42                            144
1.7 Other non-financial assets               34,630                       58,518
1.8 Fixed assets (net)               11,459                       12,585
1.9 Intangible assets               10,024                         9,913
1.10 Total assets             723,053                     837,249
2.1 Current account               58,149                     111,974
2.2 Savings account             259,021                     304,096
2.3 Due to banks and financial institutions             132,946                     177,022
2.4 Other deposits               82,048                       47,042
2.5 Derivative financial liabilities                       20                         2,255
2.6 Other liabilities                 8,165                         9,362
2.7 Total liabilities             540,349                     651,751
3.1 Share capital             146,474                     146,474
3.2 Share premium               15,645                       15,645
3.3 Treasury shares                        –                       (7,032)
3.4 Revaluation surplus                         1                                 1
3.5 Retained earnings /loss/               20,446                       30,272
3.6 Other reserves                     138                            138
4 Total equity             182,704                     185,498
5 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY             723,053                     837,249


(in millions of MNT)

INCOME STATEMENT 31/12/2021 30/06/2022
1 Interest income               50,684                       40,320
1.1 From Bank of Mongolia                     132                               60
1.2 From Other banks & financial institutions                     855                         1,039
1.3 From securities                 4,493                         2,753
1.4 From loans               44,370                       34,933
1.5 Other interest income                     834                         1,535
2 Interest expense               24,882                       19,420
2.1 Interest expense on current account                        –                                –
2.2 Interest expense on savings account               19,963                       15,863
2.3 Interest expense on borrowed funds                 1,948                         1,302
2.4 Interest expense on securities                 1,574                         1,104
2.5 Other interest expense                 1,397                         1,151
3 NET INTEREST INCOME (1-2)               25,802                       20,900
4 Provision expenses (provision reverse income)                     599                         2,216
4.1 Deposits at other banks and financial institutions                     327                                –
4.2 Securities                       25                                –
4.3 Loans                     247                         2,216
5 Net interest income after provision [(3)-(4)]               25,203                       18,684
6 Other income                 4,249                       13,250
6.1 Non-interest income                 4,249                       13,101
6.1.1 Trading income                 3,393                         8,236
6.1.2 Exchange and revaluation adjustment expense                     349                         4,273
6.1.3 Fees and commission income                     507                            588
6.1.4 Other non-interest income                        –                                 4
6.2 Other income                        –                              149
7 Other expense               15,559                       20,127
7.1 Non-interest expense               15,194                       19,856
7.1.1 Other provision expense                         1                                 –
7.1.2 Trade expense                 1,936                         5,315
7.1.3 Exchange and revaluation adjustment expense                     429                         4,290
7.1.4 Fees and commission expense                     462                            596
7.1.5 Other operating expense               12,366                         9,655
7.2 Other expense                     365 271
8 Profit Before Tax (5+6-7)               13,893                       11,807
9 Income tax expense                 2,441                         1,981
10 Profit After Taxes (8-9)               11,452                         9,826
11 Other comprehensive income                       92                                –
12 Total comprehensive income for the year (10+11)               11,544                         9,826


(in millions of MNT)

OFF BALANCE SHEET 31/12/2021 30/06/2022
Contingencies and commitments (net)               16,939                       20,462


Tier 1 ratio ≥ 9% 29.4%
Capital adequacy ratio ≥ 12% 29.4%
Liquidity ≥ 25% 31.1%
Foreign currency open position ratio (by each currency) < ±15% -5.3%
Foreign currency open position ratio (total) < ±30% -9.2%


(in millions of MNT)

Related parties Category of assets Balance % in total Equity
1 Loans and other equivalent asset provided to a related party (less than 5% of capital) 4.5%
1.1 Shareholders of the Bank                                –                        – 0.0%
1.2 Key management personnel                                –                        – 0.0%
1.3 Other related parties Loan                 8,289 4.5%
2 Total Loans and other equivalent asset provided to related parties (less than 20% of capital) 18.3%
2.1 Shareholders of the Bank Loan                     100 0.1%
2.2 Key management personnel Loan                     279 0.2%
2.3 Other related parties Loan               33,615 18.1%
List of licensed agents

Branch name

Name License date


Head office GARAVSUREN.N 2023 Shangri-La Office, 19A Olimpic St, 1st khoroo,  Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Ard Branch MICHIDMAA.B 2023 1st floor, Building B8, Baga Toiruu St-9, 1st Khoroo, Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Naran Branch ENKHBAT.G 2020 1ST, 2ND floor, Naran Mall Department Store, Seoul St-35, 3rd Khoroo, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Munkh tower branch ARIUNTUGS.E 2023 1st floor, Munkh Tower, Chinggis Avenue Street, 1st Khoroo, Khan-Uul District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Central Tower Branch BOLORMAA.Z 2020 4th floor, Central Tower, Sukhbaatar square-2 , 8th Khoroo, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Cedar Branch TUNGALAG.A 2022 1st floor, Cedar City Residence Town, 4th Khoroo, Khan-Uul District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Sakura Branch BAYARMAA.G 2022 1st floor, Sakura Building Center, Ikh Mongol St, 26th Khoroo, Bayanzurkh District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Shangri-la Branch BILGUUN.N 2022 6th floor, Shangri-La Office, 19A Olympic St, 1st Khoroo,  Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Zuun durvun zam branch KHUSLEN.B 2023 1st floor of Naran Shopping Mall’s 2nd Building, 15th Khoroo, Bayanzurkh District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Premium branch BAYARMAA.G 2023 2nd floor, Premium Palace, Ikh Toiruu St, 5th Khoroo, Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
River garden branch ENKHNARAN.B 2022 1st floor, Building 308, River Garden Town, Ikh Mongol St, 11th Khoroo, Khan-Uul District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Exclusive Trip

Exclusive Trip offers you great opportunities of being protected financially, while traveling in Mongolia. We never know what happens in the future if there is some bad luck of getting into an accident, food poisoning or any chronic conditions raise ups, that can interrupt your whole journey with a  life threatening  scenes. In such cases, we should always be protective to take the action  to reduce further losses.  The Exclusive Trip is a right insurance, that you can be protected financially and enjoy your journey with a peace of mind. If there is an emergency during the trip,  Exclusive Trip will pay you for the air ambulance to Ulaanbaatar and hospitalization treatments.


Please e-mail us for more information reaching our experts or contact:

Tel: +976 7716-9999