Correspondent Banks

List of correspondent banks

For more information

Prepaid interest deposit


  • Receive interest monthly to your desired account and earn passive income;
  • Make deposit transactions and add funds to your savings;
  • The interest rate on offer is higher than what most bank’s in Mongolia offer on the market.
Prepaid interest deposit

Terms and conditions




Annual Interest rates

3 – 6 months



7 – 12 months



Interest rate upon early termination of contract /annual/



Minimum deposit

1,000,000 MNT

1,000 USD

Interest payments


Account opening fee


Savings book



Prepaid interest deposit

Fees and charges

Other fees and charges

Prepaid interest deposit

Eligibility or required documents

  • Application form for legal entities /download here/;
  • An official letter for opening a new bank account;
  • Notarized copy of ‘State Registration Certificate’;
  • Notarized copy of Company’s ‘Charter or Memorandum of Association (MOA);
  • Notarized signature of applicant /download here/;
  • Declaration of Beneficial Ownership /download here/;
  • Copy of ID card of the authorized personnel to dispose with an account;
  • Additional documents /if necessary/.
Gold deposit (XAU)


  • Covering from all types of theft, fraud and gold price change risks;
  • Interest rate will be based on international gold prices and expressed in Troy ounces (OZ);
  • Receive interest payments every quarter;
Gold deposit (XAU)

Terms and conditions

Gold deposit terms

Account currency



1 – 3 months

6 months

9 months

12 months

Annual Interest rate





Interest rate upon early termination of contract /annual/


Fees for withdrawing cash from savings


Minimum deposit

Interest payments


Savings book


Gold deposit (XAU)

Fees and charges

Other fees and charges

Gold deposit (XAU)

Eligibility or required documents

  • Application form for legal entities /download here/;
  • An official letter for opening a new bank account on company headed notepaper;
  • An original copy and a copy of license from the Mongolian Financial Regulatory Commission;
  • Notarized copy of the ‘State Registration Certificate’;
  • Notarized copy of the Company’s ‘Charter or Memorandum of Association (MOA);
  • Notarized signature of the applicant /download here/;
  • Declaration of Beneficial Ownership /download here/;
  • Copy of the ID card of the authorized personnel to operate the account;
  • Additional documents /if necessary/.
Project management department


The department conducts target market research, cost analysis and benefit realizations of new projects, develops, promotes and sells products besides nurturing industry-leading projects. We offer customized investment products and services to customers including developing business plans for the projects that needs investments.

Construction and Infrastructure Business Department


The department focuses on companies and individuals, by providing and developing specific financial products and services for their needs in the area of construction and the infrastructure sector, which is one of the leading sectors in the development of Mongolia. Our team emphasizes the importance of professional know-how, realistic market valuation and risk management in order to improve clients’ business and increase their profitability by adapting regular bank products to reflect sector specific factors. 

Industry and mining department


Main goal of the department is to support individuals and companies in the key sectors that play a significant role in Mongolia’s economic development, such as industry, mining, renewable energy, and heavy industry, and to provide financial services tailored to their specific needs. Moreover, we regularly publish price and cost research and information on machinery, equipment, goods, materials and raw materials, estimate market risks, and conduct research and analysis related to the import, sales and leasing of machinery and equipment.

Export and Import trade department


The department was established with purpose to study the international standards of growth and decline of domestic and foreign trade turnover, transportation, logistics, payment terms, and to provide customers with bank loans, guarantee, letter of credit and collection services. We cooperate closely with foreign and domestic financial institutions and investors on syndicated financing for projects, opening accounts for foreign-funded projects and programs through Transport and development bank, and making advance payments.

Business departments

Давуу тал

  1. Экспорт, импорт худалдааны газар:
  2. Дотоод, гадаадын бараа эргэлтийн өсөлт, бууралт, тээвэр, логистик, төлбөрийн нөхцөлийн олон улсын жишгийг судлан, банкны зээлийн, баталгааны, аккредитив болон инкассын үйлчилгээг танд шуурхай хүргэхээр тус газар нь байгуулагдсан. Мөн бид төсөл хэрэгжүүлэгчдэд зориулан гадаад дотоодын санхүүгийн байгуулага болон хөрөнгө оруулагчидтай хамтран синдикат санхүүжилт хийх, гадаадын санхүүжилттай төсөл, хөтөлбөрийг өөрийн банкаар дамжуулан харилцах данс нээх, санхүүжилт олгох, урьдчилгаа төлбөр олгох зэргээр таны бизнесийн хамгийн ойрын түнш болж ажилладаг.
  3. Үйлдвэр, уул уурхайн газар:
  4. Монгол Улсын эдийн засгийн хөгжилд голлох үүрэг гүйцэтгэх салбарууд болох үйлдвэр, уул уурхай, сэргээгдэх эрчим хүч, хүнд үйлдвэрийн салбарын иргэд, байгууллагуудаа дэмжих, тэдний онцлогт нийцсэн санхүүгийн үйлчилгээг хүргэх нь манай газрын үндсэн зорилго юм.  
  5. Мөн бид энэ салбарын техник хэрэгсэл, тоног төхөөрөмж, бараа, материал, түүхий эдийн үнэ, өртөгийн судалгаа, мэдээллийг тогтмол гаргаж, зах зээлийн эрсдлийг тооцоолж, техник хэрэгсэл, тоног төхөөрөмжийн импорт, борлуулалт, түрээсийн үйл ажиллагаатай холбоотой судалгаа, дүн шинжилгээ хийх, төсөл хэрэгжүүлэх зэргээр амжилттай үйл ажиллагаагаа тэлсээр байна.
  6. Шинэ төслийн газар
  7. Зорилтот зах зээлд чиглэсэн судалгаа, шинэ төслийн өртөг зардлын үр ашгийн дүн шинжилгээг хийж тухайн салбарт тэргүүлэх ач холбогдолтой байх төслийг бойжуулахаас гадна бүтээгдэхүүн хөгжүүлэх, сурталчлах, борлуулах үйл ажиллагааг тус газар нь явуулдаг.  Мөн хөрөнгө оруулалт шаардлагатай байгаа бизнесийн үйл ажиллагааны төлөвлөгөө боловсруулах, хөрөнгө оруулалтын бүтээгдэхүүн үйлчилгээг харилцагчдадаа санал болгон, хэрэгжүүлдэг. 
Incoming international wire transfer

General information to receive payment

Click on the currency from the list below, fill in your current account information with the Transport and Development Bank, and please send the information to the remitter to receive payment from abroad.

USD Receiving payment in US Dollar, please click here 
EUR Receiving payment in Euro, please click here
CNY Receiving payment in Chinese Yuan, please click here
GBP Receiving payment in British Pound, please click here
RUB Receiving payment in Russian Ruble, please click here
JPY Receiving payment in Japanese Yen, please click here
SGD Receiving payment in Singapore Dollar, please click here
HKD Receiving payment in Hong Kong Dollar, please click here
TRY Receiving payment in Turkish Lira, please click here