Service types | Contribution fee |
Statement of account /1 page/ | 100 MNT |
Description: /Citizen, Organization/ | |
Account description /in Mongolian, in English/ | 4,000 MNT |
Account description /in English/ | 2,000 MNT |
Description with additional information at the customer’s request | 15,000 MNT |
Description related to the account within 14 days or less after opening the account or changing the co-owner of the account | 30,000 MNT |
When the definition is given again /1 more/ | 1,000 MNT |
Description of Availability in Credit Loan Survey | 30,000 MNT |
Print receipts, expenses and non-cash receipts from the program | 300 MNT |
Filtering documents from the archive and making copies of documents /every page/ | 3,000 MNT/within 1 year/
5,000 MNT /within 1-3 years/ 10,000 MNT/3 more year/ |
Making a correction transaction due to the customer’s fault | 500 MNT |
Customer Daily Statement | Free |
Savings book | Free |
Cashier’s check /For organizations/ | |
One page | 200 MNT |
In a book /with 25 pages/ | 4,000 MNT |
Signature Verification Form | Free |
Debit and credit transaction form | |
Account opening request form | |
Account Balance Confirmation Form |
Category: Information inquiry and other services
Provide services such as communication, savings and credit account definitions, and copying.
If you have an account with the Transportation Development Bank, we offer the following additional services: These include:
Preparation of descriptions of communication, savings and credit accounts /in English and Mongolian/;
Receiving cash checks;
Making a definition at the request of the agent;
Making a statement about whether or not you are in a credit study;
Corrective Flow /Flow caused by the Respondent\’s own fault/;
Issuance of copies and notes of savings accounts;
Archival Facts.