Credit line


  • Flexible and favorable conditions
Credit line

Terms and conditions

Credit line

Maximum loan amount

The maximum loan amount will be determined depending business, capital and financial ability

Loan interest /month/

2.0%-1.60% 1.50%-1.10% 1.20%-0.85% 1.20%-0.85%


Loan interest /annual/ 24.0%-19.20% 18.0%-13.20% 14.4%-10.20% 14.4%-10.20%


Commitment interest /annual/
2.80%-4.2% 2.0%-3.60% 1.50%-3.0%
Term of loan Up to 60 months

Up to 36 months

Service fee

1% of the loan amount or the maximum amount is 1,500,000 MNT 0.5% of the loan amount or the maximum amount is 1,500 US dollars and the equivalent in EUR, CNY and JPY
Increased interest

The increased interest rate is equal to 20% of the principal interest rate

Benefits of Changes to the Original Loan Term


Application Fee

30,000 MNT

Credit database reference fee

For each inquiry during the loan investigation /Citizen, Organization/ – 1,000 MNT

Actual cost /annual/: 19.7%-24.5%

Credit line


  • Last 12 months continuous business experience;
  • Good credit history;
  • Qualify for collateral
  •  Other requirements set by the bank


Credit line

Eligibility or required documents

  • Loan application letter. /Required loan amount, interest rate, term, collateral/
  • Loan application /Bank form/
  • Resolution of the Board of Directors /Shareholders’ Meeting/ on taking a loan. /The decision specifying the requested loan amount, interest rate, term, and collateral and appointing the person authorized to sign/
  • A copy of the certificate and charter must be certified by a notary;
  • Copy of the identity card of the person authorized to sign the loan agreement / founders, general director, executive director, etc.,
  • Special licenses, business plans and other documents related to business activities
  • Details of financial statement figures as at the end of the last year. It includes: List of accounts receivable, List of current assets, Detailed list of fixed assets, Detailed list of payables and liabilities, Sales breakdown, unit cost of products, balance sheet of the last 1 year,
  • Certificate of real estate to be mortgaged, /if the mortgaged property is in the name of another organization, a copy of the company’s certificate and charter, decision or resolution allowing the mortgage/
  • List of vehicles and equipment to be pledged, certificates
  • Other necessary additional materials