Corporate temporary account

Required documents

  • Hand application of the founding citizen Identity card of the founder and reference to the E-Mongolia system if not available
  • If you are a foreigner Foreign passport Residence permit in Mongolia Confirmation page
  • If the Shareholder is an organization, then the State Registration Certificate of the organization, if not, a reference to the E-Mongolia system
Corporate temporary account

Terms and conditions

Annual interest rate3.0%*1.2%*1.2%*1.2%*1.2%*
Monthly service feeNo fee
Account opening feeNo fee
Minimum balance requirement5,00055355001005,000553
Account closure fee1000Foreign currency equivalent to 1000 MNT
* denotes the maximum interest rate for the product.
Corporate temporary account


Newly established organizations with incomplete documentation can open a current account. The filing materials are missing, but the revenue transaction is possible. Materials must be submitted within 30 days. After the materials are fully prepared, the right to spend will be opened.

Хадгаламж барьцаалсан зээл

Бүтээгдэхүүний нөхцөл

Нөхцөл Хадгаламж барьцаалсан зээл
Зээлийн боломжит дээд хэмжээ Зээл, хүүгийн нийлбэр дүн нь барьцаалж буй хадгаламжийн үлдэгдлээс хэтрэхгүй;
Зээлийн хүү /жил/ Салбарт олгох зээл :
1 тэрбум төгрөгөөс дээш /Хадгаламжийн үлдэгдэл/ Хадгаламжийн жилийн хүү+4%
500,000,001 төгрөгөөс – 1 тэрбум төгрөг хүртэл /Хадгаламжийн үлдэгдэл/ Хадгаламжийн жилийн хүү+5%
500,000,000 төгрөг хүртэл /Хадгаламжийн үлдэгдэл/ Хадгаламжийн жилийн хүү+6%
Зээл олгох валют Төгрөг
Зээлийн хугацаа Хадгаламж дуусах хугацаагаар тогтооно
Зээл олгосны шимтгэл 0%
Зээлийн анхны нөхцөлд өөрчлөлт оруулсны шимтгэл 0%
Өргөдлийн хураамж 0 төгрөг
Хувьсах хүүтэй хадгаламж барьцаалсан зээл

Terms and conditions

Conditions Floating interest savings collateralized loan
Loan amount The total amount of loan and interest does not exceed 90% of the term deposit
Loan interest rate /annual/ Loan at branches:
More than MNT 1 billion/term deposit amount/ Annual interest rate of term deposit +4%
MNT 500,000,001 – MNT 1 billion/term deposit amount/ Annual interest rate of term deposit +5%
Up to MNT 500,000,000/term deposit amount/ Annual interest rate of term deposit +6%
Currency of loan MNT
Term Determined by maturity date of term deposit
When there is a change in the deposit interest rate Loan interest rates are subject to change
Service fee
Fee for changing the original loan terms
Loan application fee
Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

We offer high-interest corporate savings and guaranteed term savings services.

Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit


  • The ability to add funds to your deposit account any time;
  • The maximum interest rate on deposits announced by the bank;
  • Manage your bank deposit accounts using online banking services;
  • Monthly expenses are available;
Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

Terms and conditions

Incentive savings of 6 months deposit terms
Tenors 6 months
Currency MNT
Annual interest rates 14.0%
Interest rate upon early termination of contract /annual/ 2.4%-4.8%
Minimum deposit requirement 10,000 MNT
Interest rate payments At maturity date
Earning conditions Possible
Withdrawal condition Monthly
Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

Fees and charges

Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

Eligibility or required documents

  1. Application form for legal entities /download here/;
  2. An official letter for opening a new bank account;
  3. Notarized copy of ‘State Registration Certificate’;
  4. Notarized copy of Company’s ‘Charter or Memorandum of Association (MOA);
  5. Notarized signature of applicant /download here/;
  6. Declaration of Beneficial Ownership /download here/;
  7. Copy of ID card of the authorized personnel to operate the account;
  8. Additional documents /if necessary/.
Term deposit

We offer our term deposit service in Mongolian Tugriks (MNT) and USD, with high interest rate on the market today.

Term deposit


  • Enjoy the highest interest rate from our bank
  • Access and manage your bank term deposit account using online banking services.
  • No restrictions are applied for deposit transactions
Term deposit

Terms and conditions

Tenors Annual interest rates
6 months 11.00% 4.00%
12 months 14.00% 4.00%
Interest rate upon early termination of contract /annual/ 2.40% 1.20%
Minimum deposit requirement 10,000 MNT 10 USD
Interest rate payments At maturity date
Withdrawal condition At maturity date
Term deposit

Fees and charges

Term deposit

Eligibility or required documents

  • Application form for legal entities
  • An official letter for opening a new bank account
  • An original copy and a copy of license from the Mongolian Financial Regulatory Commission
  • Notarized copy of “State Registration Certificate”
  • Notarized copy of Company’s “Charter or Memorandum of Association (MOA)
  • Notarized signature of applicant /download here/
  • Declaration of Beneficial Ownership /download here/ 
  • Copy of ID card of the authorized personnel to dispose with an account;
  • Additional documents /if necessary/