Introduction to Tokyo Representative Office

Within the framework of expanding its operations and increasing its market share, TransBank is engaging in various activities, including international banking, strengthening correspondent bank relations, and promoting Mongolia’s economic and market advantages to foreign organizations and entrepreneurs. As part of this effort, the bank has opened its representative office in Tokyo, Japan in accordance with the relevant laws of both countries based on the approvals granted by both the Financial Services Agency of Japan (on December 9, 2022) and the Bank of Mongolia (on January 25, 2023).

Introduction to Tokyo Representative Office

Contact details

Contact details:
Name of Representative Office: Tokyo Representative Office
Address: 〒100-0004 1-5-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo Otemachi First Square East Tower 4F Office#6
Telephone number: 03-5219-1440
Chief Representative: Hajime Uchida
E-mail address: