- 各質問をよく読んで確認し、正確かつ完全に情報を入力する必要があります。登録フォームのデータ入力が不正確または誤りであった場合の結果については、お客様が責任を負うものとします。
- お客様が開設した口座に関する一切、モンゴルの関係法令および当行と締結した預金契約に準拠するものとします。
- 申請者は銀行の公式メールアドレスから届いた指示によると、口座契約書及び関連書類に記入し、外国にあるモンゴル大使館、領事館、駐在員事務所のいずれかの認証を受け、交通開発銀行に内容証明郵便で送付する必要があります。
- 銀行は、顧客口座開設のため書類を確認後、営業日以内に口座を開設し、これらの書類が法律的要件を不可能した場合は、口座開設をお断りします。
- 交通開発銀行の顧客口座開設サービスに関連する電子メールは………..@transbank.mn にのみ送信されるものとします。このアドレス以外から情報を受信した場合は、急に@transbank.mnに報告してください
- 口座開設および契約締結に関する電子メールを受領した日から30日以内に開設した口座に収入がない場合、口座は閉鎖されることにご注意ください
- お客様は、ご自身の口座情報およびインターネットバンキングのログインパスワードを秘密にする義務があり、他人が情報を悪用した場合の結果について、当行は責任を負いません。
Category: International Bank
Contact |
Name of Representative Office: | Tokyo Representative Office |
Address: | 〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-5 -1 大手 町ファーストスクエア イースト\タワー4F |
Telephone number: | 03-5219-1440 |
Chief Representative: | Hajime Uchida |
E-mail address: | Tokyo.office@transbank.mn |
Website: | www.transbank.jp |
Sakura Savings Account
The Sakura Savings Account, designed for Japanese customers, is a secure deposit product with a high interest rate.
Terms and conditions
Sakura Savings Account |
Terms and conditions |
Term |
12 months | *Policy rate+0.5% | 3.5% | 3.0% |
3.0% |
24 months |
* Policy rate+1.0% | 4.0% | 3.5% | 3.5% |
36 months | * Policy rate+2.0% | 5.0% | 4.0% |
4.0% |
Penalty interests payable on pre-mature withdrawals |
4.8% |
1.2% | 0.6% |
0.6% |
Extention of term | Feasible | |||
Minimum balance | N/A | |||
Interest payment conditions | At the end of the term of the account | |||
Making deposits | Feasible | |||
Withdrawal | At the end of the term of the account to a predetermined account of the same owner | |||
Acquiring saving collateralized loan and credit card | Unfeasible | |||
Joint ownership | Unfeasible | |||
* The interest rate on term deposits in MNT is determined by Mongolbank’s policy rate at the time the account is opened, increased by an additional rate corresponding to its term. |
Required documents
- Passport;
- Request form (click here to download);
- *Additional documents;
*Additional documents: The bank may request additional materials and clarifications related to “Know Your Customer” activities.
If the customer refuses to provide the required information, the bank is obliged to refuse to provide services in accordance with the Law on Anti-Money Laundering.
The customer must not have the purpose of money laundering or terrorist financing, be not involved in such activities, and not violate the Mongolian Law on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.
The Bank will strictly keep customer information confidential in accordance with the Civil Code of Mongolia, the Law on Personal Privacy, and the Law on Organizational Confidentiality, except in exceptional circumstances specified by law.
- Please click here to view the introduction to TransBank.
- Flexible terms tailored to the specifics of your business;
- Long-term financing;
- Based on the customer’s business area and needs.
Green Project Loan
The purpose of this product is to finance our customers’ projects that are intended for their improvement of sustainable use of energy, water, and materials, better waste management, long-term sustainable operation and their green businesses projects.
- Longer repayment and grace period, available in 3 currencies;
- The product provides our clients with the opportunity to modify their basic business model, thus shift to a more resource-efficient, environmentally friendly and green business model.