
АТМ withdrawal limit: How much can you withdraw?

You can withdraw up to MNT 3.0 million through ATMs.


Can you deposit cash at to ATM?

Cash deposit is not available at ATM.


New PIN code generation at the ATM?

You can change your current PIN code at any ATM of Trade and Development Bank.


Fees charged on PIN code change and balance inquiries at ATMs?

You may change the card PIN code as well as get an E-PIN code at any ATMs of Trade and Development Bank with the charge of MNT 100.

There is no fee charged for a balance inquiry. /only if you request a printed statement, the fee of MNT 100 is charged/.


Does the ATM charge a fee to withdraw cash?

There is no fee if you withdraw an amount greater than MNT 100,000 from the banks’ ATMs.

A fee of MNT 300 will be charged for cash withdrawals from Trade and Development Bank, Chinggis Khaan Bank, Bogd Bank, Arig Bank, and National Investment Bank.

A fee of MNT 500 will be charged for cash withdrawals from other banks’ ATMs.


What should a customer do if the card is swallowed by ATM?

Once your card is swallowed, please contact our Customer Service Center at 7716-9999 to provide the ATM’s location and bank. , The card can be returned within 7-14 days.


What should a customer do if the cash is not withdrawn from ATM but the account balance was deducted?

Please visit any of our branches to fill out the “Transaction Dispute Form” to resolve the issue.



  • At the end of the savings period, you will have a high yield on tugrik
  • At the end of the savings period, the official U.S. dollar provision announced by the Mongolian bank is appreciated against the currency of account opened date by at least as a percentage of the savings interest rate (after tax savings interest rate), principal deposit amount shall be obtained at currency of account opened date
  • Even if early termination of deposit is occurred, shall have a high yield .

Terms and conditions

Account currency MNT
Tenor 12 months
Annual Interest rate 13.20%
Minimum deposit 50,000,000 MNT
Interest rate upon early termination of contract /annual/ 2.0%-4.8%
Interest payments At the end of the contract
Conditions for earning income Impossible
Withdrawals At the end of the contract

At the end of the savings period, the official U.S. dollar provision announced by the Mongolian bank is appreciated against the currency of account opened date by at least as a percentage of the savings interest rate (after tax savings interest rate), principal deposit amount shall be obtained at currency of account opened date.


Eligibility or required documents

  • Application form for legal entities /download here/;
  • An official letter for opening a new bank account;
  • An original copy and a copy of license from the Mongolian Financial Regulatory Commission;
  • Notarized copy of ‘State Registration Certificate’;
  • Notarized copy of Company’s ‘Charter or Memorandum of Association (MOA);
  • Notarized signature of applicant /download here/;
  • Declaration of Beneficial Ownership /download here/;
  • Copy of ID card of the authorized personnel to dispose with an account;
  • Additional documents /if necessary/.

Давуу тал


  • ЗГЭХ-ийн хугацаанд зарлага гаргах тохиолдолд гүйлгээний тоо, лимитэд хязгаар тавихгүй ба хугацаанаас өмнө цуцлахад хугацаа алдуулалтын хүү тооцохгүй, зарласан нийт жилийн хүүг тооцуулан авах;
  • Зарлага гаргах тохиолдолд дансны доод үлдэгдлийг хангуулна;
  • ЗГЭХ-ийн хуримтлуулсан хүүг хугацааны эцэст олгоно;

Автомашины зээл



  • Earn the highest annual return in MNT currency
  • Term deposits with 6, 9 or 12 month maturities will earn interest quarterly and account withdrawals are allowed every 3 months for a calendar week
  • A risk-free investment solution
  • Earn and receive higher returns even on early termination of contract


  • Earn the highest annual return in MNT currency
  • Term deposits with 6, 9 or 12 month maturities will earn interest quarterly and account withdrawals are allowed every 3 months for a calendar week
  • A risk-free investment solution
  • Earn and receive higher returns even on early termination of contract

Account safety tips

You can minimize risks by following the tips below.

  1. By activating SMS or E-mail transaction slip service, you will be able to receive real-time notifications on every transaction made from your account via SMS or E-mail, enabling you to monitor your account. Should you notice any unauthorized transactions from your account, please immediately contact the Bank;
  2. Should you receive SMS/E-mail suggesting you to make an uncertain payment or asking for your personal information such as username or password, simply ignore and delete it;
  3. Try to routinely check your account statement using the online banking application for any suspicious activities. Should you notice any suspicious activity in your account, please immediately contact the Bank;
  4. Do not share your credentials with anyone or keep the information in an insecure place.

For more information, please call the Bank at 77169999.