Floating interest savings loan


  • Loans up to 90% of your savings, or the highest possible rate;
  • There is no fee for the loan;
Floating interest savings loan

Terms and conditions

Loan currency

Maximum Loan Amount

he total amount of loan and interest does not exceed 90% of the deposit;

Loan Term

The deposit is determined by the expiration date

Loan interest rate /annaul/

Annual interest + 4%, 5% and 6% /depends on the balance of deposits/

When Savings Interest Rates Change:
Changes to Interest Rates
Increased interest
The increased interest rate is equal to 20% of the principal interest rate

Application Fee

Service fee

Benefits of Changes to the Original Loan Term

Credit database reference fee
No fee

Actual cost /annual/: Annual interest of deposit + 4%-6%

Floating interest savings loan

Eligibility or required documents

  • Loan application and bank application;
  • Identity card;
  • If the loan applicant is a trusted representative, who is authorized to take out the loan;