Unionpay Platinum Card

Credit conditions

Credit limit 5,000,000-50,000,000 MNT
Credit account currency MNT, USD
Monthly minimum repayment 10%
Retail interest charge 2% /from payment due day/
Cash interest charge 2.5% /from cash withdrawal day/
Monthly billing statement date 1st of every month
Repayment date 20th of every month
Interest fee-free period Up to 50 days
Overlimit rate fee 5.0%
Monthly late payment charge 1% (min 10,000 MNT, 10 USD)
Credit reference fee /Per inquiry/ 1,000 MNT
Unionpay Platinum Card

Required documents

  • For Mongolian citizens: Citizens ID card;
  • For Foreign citizens: Passport and certificate of alien registration
  • And other required documents
Microbusiness women support loan

Terms and conditions

Loan amount

Up to 30 million/The maximum loan amount should not exceed 60% of the average of the last 6 months sales/
Loan interest /monthly/


Loan interest /annual/

Loan term

Up to 12 months

Loan service fee

Commitment interest


Credit reference fee

For each inquiry during loan application (Citizen, Organization) – 1,000 MNT

Microbusiness women support loan


  • Be a self-business woman;
  • Be the owner of the Gerege POS device and Transbank POS device, and the contract for using the device during the loan period is valid;
  • Experience of continuous business for the last 6 months, business income received at least in the last 6 months through current account in TransBank;
  • Having no overdue or non-performing loan balances in other banks and NBFI;
  • The loan applicant’s debt to total income ratio should be 60%
Microbusiness women support loan

Eligibility or required documents

  • Loan application;
  • A copy the registration certificate issued by the State Registration authorities and Company charter;
  • Identity card;
  • Other banks and financial institutions loan contract, loan accounts statement;
  • Certificate of collateral and related documents;
  • Special licenses, business plans and other documents related to business activities;
Savings and loans


  • No documents and materials;
  • Get a Quick Loan;
  • Get a loan and pay using Onlinebanking;
Convertible savings collateral loan


  • Loans up to 80% of your savings, or the highest possible rate;
  • There is no fee for the loan;
Exchange rate risk savings


  • Have the right to make quarterly expenses from the savings account;
  • Interest on deposits is available quarterly;
  • The customer is protected from possible exchange rate risks;
Exchange rate risk savings

Terms and conditions

Account type


Account currency

Term of deposit

12 months
Interest rate /annually/


Minimum balance
500,000,000 MNT
Interest payment on early termination
Interest payment conditions
Every 3 months
Credit transactions

Every 3 months

Debit transactions


Даатгал, зуучлал

Тээвэр хөгжлийн банк нь  Банкны тухай хууль болон Даатгалын мэргэжлийн оролцогчийн тухай хуулийн хүрээнд Санхүүгийн зохицуулах хорооны 2019 оны 12 дугаар сарын 04-ний өдрийн 346 дугаар тогтоолоор Даатгалын зуучлалын үйл ажиллагаа эрхлэх тусгай зөвшөөрөл авч даатгалын мэргэжлийн оролцогч болж, холбогдох хууль, дүрэм, журмын дагуу даатгалын цогц үйлчилгээг салбар, нэгжүүдээрээ дамжуулан харилцагчдадаа хүргэн ажилладаг.

Бид харилцагчдынхаа даатгалын хөтөч, туслагч нь байж таны хэрэгцээнд тохирсон даатгалын нөхцлийг санал болгон, таны алтан цагийг хэмнэн ажиллаж байна.

Банкны даатгал зуучлалын давуу тал:

Даатгалын үйлчилгээг банкны зуучлагчаар дамжуулан авснаар нэмэлт шимтгэл, хураамж төлөхгүйгээс гадна, даатгалын компанийн нийтэд санал болгосон нөхцлөөс илүү бага хураамжаар, илүү их хамгаалалттай нөхцөлтэйгээр даатгуулах боломжийг бүрдүүлж өгдөгөөрөө давуу талтай юм.