Deposit backed loan


  • Additional materials are not required;
  • Can receive loan in no time;
  • Receive loan and make loan payment through online banking.
Deposit backed loan

Terms and conditions

Conditions Savings collateralized loan
Loan amount The total amount of loan and interest shall not exceed the balance of the term deposit
Loan interest rate /annual/ Loan at branches:
More than MNT 1 billion /term deposit amount/ Annual interest rate of term deposit +4%
MNT 500,000,001 – MNT 1 billion /term deposit amount/ Annual interest rate of term deposit +5%
Up to MNT 500,000,000 /term deposit amount/ Annual interest rate of term deposit +6%
Currency of loan MNT
Term Determined by maturity date of term deposit
Service fee 0%
Fee for changing the original loan terms 0%
Loan application fee MNT 0