Get a loan as soon as possible if you have a financial need;
Flexible conditions;
Salary loan service that solves your financial needs in the fastest way based on your salary income.
Salaery loan |
Conditions |
Maximum loan amount
Up to 30 million MNT |
Loan interest /month/
2.0%-1.4% |
Loan interest /annaul/ |
24.0%-16.8% |
Loan Term |
Up to 30 months |
Loan Benefits |
1% of the loan amount
Increased interest |
The increased interest rate is equal to 20% of the principal interest rate |
Fee for modification of the original loan conditions
Up to 1% of the loan balance /Maximum amount 1,000,000 MNT/
Application Fee
10,000 MNT |
Credit database reference fee
1,000 MNT |
Actual cost/annual/: 17.7%-24.9%