Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

The customer offers you a guaranteed term deposit that will pay you a high interest rate in a short period of time.

Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit


  • The ability to add funds to your deposit account any time;
  • The maximum interest rate on deposits announced by the bank;
  • Manage your bank deposit accounts using online banking services;
  • Monthly expenses are available;
Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

Terms and conditions

Incentive savings of 6 months deposit terms
Tenors 6 months
Currency MNT
Annual interest rates 14.0%
Interest rate upon early termination of contract /annual/ 2.4%-4.8%
Minimum deposit requirement 10,000 MNT
Interest rate payments At maturity date
Earning conditions Possible
Withdrawal condition Monthly
Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

Fees and charges

Incentive savings of 6 months term deposit

Eligibility or required documents

  1. Customer application form
  2. Documents required:
    • For Mongolian citizens: Citizens ID card;
    • For Foreign citizens: Passport and certificate of alien registration.
Term Deposit

A risk-free savings account that will increase your savings for a certain fixed period, at high interest rate.

Term Deposit


  • Enjoy the highest interest rate from our bank
  • Access and manage your bank term deposit account using online banking services.
  • No restrictions are applied for deposit transactions;
Term Deposit

Terms and conditions

Tenors Annual interest rates
6 months 11.00% 4.00%
12 months 14.00% 4.00%
Interest rate upon early termination of contract /annual/ 2.40% 1.20%
Minimum deposit requirement 10,000 MNT 10 USD
Interest rate payments At maturity date
Withdrawal condition At maturity date
Term Deposit

Fees and charges

Term Deposit

Eligibility or required documents

  • Customer application form
  • Documents required:
    • For Mongolian citizens: Citizens ID card;
    • For Foreign citizens: Passport and certificate of alien registration.
Electric Vehicle Loan

We offer a loan product for environmentally friendly electric passenger cars and off-road vehicles, catering to customers seeking personal transportation solutions.

Electric Vehicle Loan


  • No requirement of additional collateral
  • Environmentally friendly, energy efficient and low operating costs
  • Long-term, flexible terms
  • Prompt solution in short period of time.
Electric Vehicle Loan

Terms and conditions

Electric Vehicle loan New vehicle Used vehicle
Loan amount New vehicle Used for 10 years or less from the date of manufacture (vehicles with or without license plates)
Up to MNT 300 million Up to MNT 100 million
Loan amount is determined based on the fact that the monthly payment is no more than 60% of client’s total income. In case client has outstanding loans in other banks, NBFIs, to enterprises or individuals, the monthly payment takes into account the other outstanding loans.
Loan term Individual customers – Up to 30 months,
Corporate customers – Up to 48 months,
Interest rate /monthly/ 1.4% – 1.6%
Interest rate /annual/ 16.8% – 19.2%
Service fee 1% of the loan amount /maximum MNT 1,500,000/
Penalty interest rate Penalty interest rate /equivalent to 20% of base interest rate/ is added to the base interest rate
Collateral Purchased vehicle as a collateral
Down Payment Up to 10% Up to 30%
Both residential and commercial properties can serve as collateral, potentially reducing the collateral requirement to 0%.
Bank fee from vehicle supplier 1% of the loan amount and it’s regulated through “Contractual agreement”
Loan application MNT 10,000
Car dealership Official distributing company  and supplier
Credit recording enquiry fee /during loan analysis procedure/ Individual – MNT 1,000

Corporate – MNT 1,000

Electric Vehicle Loan


  • The borrower must be employed by the employer for at least 6 months or have consistently run a business for at least 1 year;
  • Up to 60% of after-tax income of the borrower must be sufficient for the monthly payment;
  • The borrower must not have an outstanding or overdue loans at another bank or NBFI.
Electric Vehicle Loan

Eligibility or required documents

  1. Loan Application / Bank’s application /, 1 passport-sized photo, ID card and its copy;
  2. Statement of residence;
  3. Proof of income source documents and account statements;
  4. Related certificates for purchasing vehicle and invoice of purchasing vehicle from supplier;
  5. Other documents required by Bank (on a case-by-case basis).