WeChat Pay service



China’s number one payment and digital wallet service by Tencent Holdings Limited’s WECHAT PAY international payment system, introduced in 64 countries, has been officially launched in Mongolia. Mongolia has become the 65th country to introduce WECHAT PAY, and the Mongolian currency MNT is the 25th supported currency of the WECHAT PAY system.

The Transport Development Bank is allowing Chinese tourists and businesses and Mongolian Businesses great opportunities to perform payments and receive payments via WeChat in Mongolia with the cooperation of the “KKTT” LLC that provides Qpay services.

In 2011, Wechat was Launched in China is currently the most widely used application and ranks fifth in the world in terms of active user numbers.

With the official system access in Mongolia, Chinese citizens will be able to make the following payments in Mongolia.

  1. Scan to Pay – Wechat users make transactions via static QR scans
  2. Scan to Pay – Wechat users make transactions via dynamic QR scans
  3. In-App Pay – The deep link for the invoice and Mini Program Pay for payment will be available on the Merchant application soon.
A guideline to becoming the Merchant
  1. If you want to become a merchant, open an MNT current account at any of the Transport and Development Bank branch that is nearest to you;
  2. Making a merchant agreement;
  3. To make a system connection, obtain the API key from “KKTT” LLC
  4. Duration for a payment to be credited: The settlement date is T+1 day after the transaction.
  5. Transaction Fee: Hence it is an international transaction, transaction fees are 2%

Question: How do customers register as a merchant of WeChat?


Hello Dear Customer, Business entities and individuals providing services in Mongolia are able to receive WeChat Pay and if would like to join as a merchant:

To open an MNT current account at any of the Transport and Development Bank;

You can register as a merchant by filling out a WeChat Pay agreement and form provided by a customer service representative at any of the Transport and Development Bank branches.

Question: Would it be possible to connect your MNT account directly?


Hello Dear Customer. Yes, hence the tugrik MNT current account is opened, and the transaction will be credited directly to the tugrik MNT account.

Question: Is it possible to transfer CNY from Mongolia to China?


Currently, it is unavailable to make a transaction from Mongolia to China via WeChat Pay, and only possible to receive payments from China.

Question: Can Mongolian citizens connect their cards to WeChat pay?


Hello Dear Customer. Unfortunately, according to WeChat Pay regulations, Mongolian citizens are not able to make card transactions.

Question: What is the merchant fee? How is the exchange rate difference determined?


As for the exchange rate, it will be credited to the customer’s MNT account at the Transport and Development Bank based on the spot exchange rate provided by Wechat.

Question: How long does it take for WeChat Pay to approve the merchant agreement? When to be able to receive the QR code?

Answer: Once the Merchant signs a WeChat Pay service agreement, once WeChat approves, connect to a QR code and issue a merchant’s QR code within 2-3 working days.

WeChat Pay service

Terms and conditions

Types of Services Terms and conditions
Transaction commission fee 2.0%
WeChat Pay service



Consular verification of documents, information on apostille certificates and process drawings

Апостиль гэрчилгээ

Монгол Улсын бичиг баримтыг гадаадын улс орнуудад хэрэглэх тохиолдолд апостиль гэрчилгээгээр баталгаажуулах шаардлагатай. Ингэснээр ямар нэг дахин баталгаажуулалт шаардахгүйгээр таны бичиг баримт Апостиль конвенцийн гишүүн 121 улсад хүчин төгөлдөр болох юм. КОНСУЛЫН ГАЗАРТ ХАНДАН ДАРААХ ТӨРЛИЙН БИЧИГ БАРИМТАД АПОСТИЛЬ ГЭРЧИЛГЭЭ АВАХ БОЛОМЖТОЙ: – Иргэний үнэмлэх, паспорт, төрсний болон гэрлэлтийн гэрчилгээ зэрэг бүх төрлийн иргэний бүртгэлийн гэрчилгээ, – Иргэний бүртгэлийн болон цагдаагийн тодорхойлолт – Бүх шатны боловсролын гэрчилгээ – Шүүх, прокурорын шийдвэр – Төрийн захиргааны байгууллагаас олгодог бусад баримт бичиг – Бүрдүүлсэн баримт бичгийг тухайн улсад хэрэглэгдэх хэлээр баталгаат орчуулгын товчоогоор орчуулж, Монгол Улсын нотариатаар баталгаажуулсан байна.

Translation of the law

Холбогдох хуулийн зүйл заалттай танилцана уу

Increasing profitable savings


  • Deposit transactions are allowed anytime;
  • The longer the savings period, the higher the interest rate on the balance;
  • Earn your interest on every 6 months;
Increasing profitable savings

Terms and conditions


24 months

Annual interest
up to 1-6 months up to 7-12 months up to 13-24 months
Termination Interest


10.0% 12.0% 13.0%



3.5% 4.0% 5.0% 0.8%
CNY 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%


Minimum balance

100,000,000 MNT and equivalent currency
Conditions for Reducing Interests
Total days of deposit
Interest payment conditions

Every 6 months

Interest payment conditions

End of the period
Interest payment conditions


Increasing profitable savings

Eligibility or required documents

  • Customer application form (download here);
  • Foreign passport;
  • Additional documents;
Co-Branded metal debit card

Terms and conditions


Co-Branded metal debit card (VISA)



Card period

5 years
Admission fee


Annual fee
900,000 MNT 1,800,000 MNT
Minimum balance

300,000 MNT, 100 USD, 500 CNY


Reorder Fee

1,500,000 MNT

Co-Branded metal debit card

Eligibility or required documents

  • Customer application form (download here);
  • Foreign passport;
  • Additional documents;