Executive management team

Erdenebayar Batchuluun

Mr. Erdenebayar Batchuluun graduated from the School of Economics of the National University of Mongolia with a bachelor’s degree in Financial Management from 2004 to 2008 and a master’s degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Luxembourg from 2015 to 2017, a management program at New York University in 2016. He has a CFA level 2 and ERM level 1 international certificate.

He has more than 14 years of professional experience in the banking and finance sector. During his tenure, he has fulfilled positions as a financial analyst at XacBank from 2008 to 2010, a senior financial analyst from 2010 to 2012, Head of the Financial Management department from 2012 to 2015, specialist at Schroder’s asset management company from 2016 to 2017, Head of the Product/Business development department at XacBank from 2017 to 2020, Chief Executive Officer at Credit bank in 2020, and as Chief Executive Officer at TransBank from 2020 to 2022.

Mr. Erdenebayar has served as a member of TransBank’s Board of Directors since January 2, 2023, and was appointed Chairman of the Board in October 2023. Effective August 26, 2024, he has been appointed as the Interim Chief Executive Officer while also maintaining his position as a member of the Board.

Executive management team

Sandagsuren Ayurzana

Sandagsuren Ayurzana served as a Vice President, Corporate Banking of TransBank since August 2021, and has been promoted to Deputy CEO of TransBank in June 2022.

With over 15 years of experience in the banking and financial sector, he worked as a loan officer, risk officer and Head of settlement center of Zoos Bank, Branch director, Head of corporate relations division at State Bank, Head of business development division at Chinggis Khan Bank, and as CEO and Deputy CEO at Credit Bank.

He graduated from Ulaanbaatar’s Secondary School No. 11 with advanced training in Physics and Mathematics in 2001, National University of Mongolia in 2005 with bachelor’s in banking and finance, National University of Mongolia in 2008 with master’s in business management, National University of Mongolia with doctor’s in finance, University of Central Queensland, Australia in 2017 with master’s in business management.

He is responsible for providing integrated management and directions to of business units of the Bank.

Executive management team

Erkhembayar Baltsukh

Erkhembayar Baltsukh was appointed as a Deputy CEO at the TransBank of Mongolia since April 2021.

Has over 23 years of professional experience in banking and financial
management. She started her career as an Economist at Ard Bank of Mongolia in 1994, Accountant and Fund Manager at Curanda Assistant AB, Sweden in 2003, Head of International Baking Department and RGB advisor at TransBank of Mongolia from 2009 to 2021.

Erkhembayar B. graduated from National University of Mongolia with a Bachelor’s degree in Banking and Finance and holds an MSc in Economics from Stockholm University, Sweden.

Executive management team

Tselmeg Batmunkh

Tselmeg Batmunkh was appointed to the executive committee of TransBank on 21st of November, 2023 and serves as Deputy CEO.

Mr. Batmunkh has over 15 years of profesional experience across finance, banking and capital market industries including as tax associate with JPMorgan in its investment fund services business whom he joined as a graduate in 2008 and as finance manager with Sumitomo Mitsui Corporation’s aviation finance and leasing business from 2016 both roles were in Dublin, Ireland. He returned to Mongolia in 2018, as director of finance with XacBank, heading their financial managemend and funding division and from 2022 he served as the chief investment officer of Ashid asset management company which he co-founded to contribute to the development investment funds sector in Mongolia.

Tselmeg is chartered accountant with ACCA and has a B.A degree in international business management from American College Dublin (part of Irish American University, Delaware USA). Additionally, he has graduate diploma in investment funds from University College Dublin and Institute of Bankers as well as graduate diploma in aviation finance and leasing from Law Society of Ireland.

Executive management team

Munkhjargal Enkhbat

Munkhjargal Enkhbat has been serving as Deputy CEO at the TransBank of Mongolia since Febraury 2024.

With over 10 years of experience risk management, governance, funding in the banking and financial sector, her career path started as a market risk analyst at “Chingis Khan” bank in 2009, Director of Risk management division in 2013 and Chief risk officer at “Capitron” Bank in 2017.

Munkhjargal graduated from the School of Mathematics and Computer Science, the National University of Mongolia with a Bachelor’s degree in mathematical modeling of economics and holds a master of mathematical modeling of economics from School of Applied science and engineering, the National University of Mongolia, an MSc in Banking and Finance from the University of Luxembourg. During her tenure at the depositary control department at UBS Bank, Luxembourg, she successfully completed Executive Program at New York University, USA.

Executive management team

Bolor Tserendorj

Bolor Tserendorj has been serving as Chief Financial Officer at the TransBank of Mongolia since January 2021.

She has over 16 years of experience in funding, treasury, financial planning, asset and liability management, as well as insurance operations. During her career at Tenger Financial Group and its subsidiaries, XacBank and Tenger Insurance, she was promoted from Market Risk Manager to Director of Finance and finally to

Bolor holds an MSc in Banking and International Finance from Bayes Business School, City University of London, UK (formerly Cass Business School). She successfully achieved Cert CII accreditation from Chartered Insurance Institute, London UK.

Executive management team

Batmunkh Myagmar

Batmunkh Myagmar has been appointed as the Chief Credit Officer of the Transport and Development Bank since October 16, 2023. He has 22 years of experience working in middle and senior management teams in the banking and mining industries.

Batmunkh Myagmar graduated from the School of Economics of the National University of Science and Technology with a degree in Finance-Economist and Informatics in 2001. In the same year, he started his career at XacBank as a small and medium business loan specialist. During his tenure at XacBank, he worked in various departments including the branch, Credit Management, Credit Risk Management, Special Assets, Customer Service Center of Retail Banking, Customer Management, Data Analysis, and Credit Operations of Retail Banking. He managed and successfully implemented many change and modernization projects.

In 2004, he received the title of Master of Business Administration. From 2011 to 2013, he attended the Graduate School of Banking (GSB) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. In 2016 and 2018, he attended training courses at the Sparkasse Bank Academy in Germany, where he became a trainer. He now works as a credit master trainer in the joint projects of Sparkasse Bank’s International Cooperation Fund, the Bank of Mongolia and Banking Association of Mongolia, and the Academy of Banking and Finance.

Executive management team

Byambadelger Sandag-Ochir

S.Byambadelger has been appointed as Chief Secretary of Secretariat of Chief Executive Officer at TransBank since June 24, 2024.

Since 2018, she has been appointed Head of the Market Risk Department, Director of the Risk management Division, and VP & Chief Retail Banking at Transbank of Mongolia since 2021.

Byambadelger started her career at Khan Bank as a Risk Specialist, Senior Risk Specialist, Investment Banking Specialist and worked at Schroders Investment Management Fund in Luxembourg.

She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Statistics from the School of Economic Studies of the National University of Mongolia and a Master’s Degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Luxembourg. She successfully completed the Executive Education program at the University of New York. She has 12 years of professional experience in banking and finance covering risk and investment management.

Executive management team

Tuulmaa Vanchin

Tuulmaa Vanchin has been serving as Chief Risk Officer at the TransBank of Mongolia Bank since August 2021.

With over 25 years of experience in the banking and financial sector, she worked as the Head of the Bank’s Debt Settlement Department under the Ministry of Finance, Head of Corporate Banking Department at Zoos Bank, Senior officer of Risk Management Department at Turiin Bank, Head of Risk Management
Department at National Investment Bank, and Head of Risk Management Department at Credit Bank.

She graduated University of Finance and Economics in 1995, with bachelor’s in banking, credit analysis and finance, National University of Mongolia in 2004 with bachelor’s in law, and National Academy of Governance in 2009 with master’s in business management.

Executive management team

Nyamdelger Batjargal

Nyamdelger Batjargal has been appointed as Chief China Cooperation Officer at the TransBank of Mongolia in June 25, 2021.

She has more than 10 years of experience in the banking and financial sector.

Nyamdelger holds a Bachelor degree in International Business from
Shandong University and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the same university.

She is currently studying for a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the Academy of Management.

Executive management team

Maksat Tutan

Maksat Tutan was appointed as the Chief Treasury Officer at TransBank of Mongolia on November 22, 2023.

With over 16 years of experience in banking and finance, Mr.Maksat specializes in foreign exchange and precious metal trading , as well as bank assets and financial management. His career began in 2008 at XacBank, where he served as an asset and liability Manager before progressing to roles such as Dealer and Senior dealer in 2020. Since 202 0, he has held a managerial position at Transport Development Bank JSC.

In the years 2004-2008, Maksat Tutan graduated from the University of Commerce and business with a bachelor’s degree in banking economics and accounting. He is a certified professional who has successfully completed the experience exchange program on “Reserve Management” by the Central Bank of Germany (Deutsche Bundesbank) and holds a Level 1 certificate in “Private Banking Management” from the University of Luxembourg.

Executive management team

Enkhbat Ganbat

Enkhbat Ganbat has been appointed as the Chief Information Officer of the Transport and Development Bank since September 2023. He graduated from the School of Mathematics and Computer Science of the National University of Mongolia with a bachelor’s degree in software engineering in 2005.

Enkhbat Ganbat has 18 years of experience in the field of Information Technology in the banking and financial sector. He began his career at Trade and Development Bank as a system manager in 2005. In 2011, he was promoted to the position of Senior Manager. The following year, in 2012, he became the Director of the Core System Department. In 2021, he was appointed as the Director of the Information Technology Department at Trade and Development Bank.

Executive management team


Үйл ажиллагаа хариуцсан захирал

Н.Түвшинжаргал нь 2024 оны 8 дугаар сарын 30-ны өдрөөс Тээвэр хөгжлийн банкны Үйл ажиллагаа хариуцсан захирлын албан тушаалд томилогдон ажиллаж байна.

Тэрээр МУИС-ийг 2000 онд Санхүүч, эдийн засагч мэргэжлээр, 2003 онд Бизнесийн удирдлага чиглэлээр магистрын зэрэгтэй төгссөн.

Н.Түвшинжаргал нь банк, санхүүгийн салбарт 2002 оноос хойш ажиллаж байгаа туршлагатай бөгөөд ажиллах хугацаандаа ХААН Банкны Дотоод хяналтын газар Хянан шалгагч, Ахлах хянан шалгагч, Салбарын удирдлагын газрын Ахлах мэргэжилтэн, Байгууллагын банкны газрын Харилцааны менежер, Бизнес инкубатор төвийн Бизнес зөвлөх, Салбарын захирал, Эрсдэлийн удирдлагын газрын захирал, Зээлийн бодлого зохицуулалтын хэлтсийн дарга, Эрсдэл хариуцсан дэд захирал, Үйл ажиллагаа хариуцсан захирал, Өмчийн харилцаа хариуцсан захирал, Улаанбаатарын иргэдийн банк хариуцсан захирал, Жижиг дунд бизнесийн банк хариуцсан захирал, 2022 оноос Эн Ти Эм Холдинг ХХК-ийн Гүйцэтгэх захирал, Төслийн зөвлөх албан тушаалд тус тус ажилласан туршлагатай.