B. Erdenebayar has been appointed as the Executive Director of the Transport Development Bank since August 26, 2024. He has 17 years of experience working in the banking and financial sector. He started his career at Khas Bank as a financial analyst in 2008. In 2012, he became the Director of the Financial Management Department of Khas Bank. Executive Director of Transport Development Bank from December 2020, October 2023 He was promoted and appointed to the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Transport Development Bank. In 2008, he graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Financial Management from the School of Economics of MU, and in 2017, he graduated with a Master’s degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Luxembourg. While working at the Schroders investment fund in the Kingdom of Luxembourg, he participated in the Management Program of New York University and passed the two exams of the International Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) program and the first level of the Certified Risk Manager (FRM), respectively, in that field. professional development.
Category: Executive management team
A. Sandagsuren has been appointed as the Deputy Executive Director of the Transport Development Bank since August 23, 2021. He is an experienced banker who has been working in the banking industry since 2005. He is a credit economist, risk economist, head of the clearinghouse at Zoos Bank, director of the branch at State Bank, director of the corporate relations department, director of the business development department at Chinggis Khan Bank, and the First Vice President at Credit Bank in 2019-2021. worked as director, acting CEO, and deputy CEO. In 1995-2001, he received his general education at the 11th secondary school with in-depth study of Physics and Mathematics in Ulaanbaatar. In 2008, he successfully defended his master’s degree in international business management from the University of Central Queensland, Australia. He has a total of 17 years of experience in banking, risk management, and investment.
B. Erhembayar has been appointed as the Deputy Executive Director of the Transport Development Bank since April 2021. He has 24 years of experience in the banking and finance industry. He started his career as an economist at the People’s Bank in 1994, then became an Accountant and Fund Manager at Kuranda Assistant in Sweden. In 2020, he worked as the director of the Department of Communications, and in 2020, he worked as a foreign relations advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. B. Erhembayar graduated from the School of Economics of MUSU in 1994 with a Bachelor’s degree in Banking and Finance, and in 2002 from Stockholm University, Sweden, with a Master’s degree in Economics.
Munkhjargal Enkhbat
Munkhjargal Enkhbat serves as a VP & Chief Private Banking officer at the TransBank since July 2021.
With over 10 years of experience risk management, governance, funding in the banking and financial sector, her career path has started as market risk analyst at “Chingis Khan” bank since 2009, Director of Risk management division since 2013 and Chief risk officer at “Capitron” Bank since 2017.
Munkhjargal graduated from the School of Mathematics and Computer Science, the National University of Mongolia with a Bachelor’s degree in mathematical modeling of economics and holds a master of mathematical modeling of economics from School of Applied science and engineering, the National University of Mongolia, an MSc in Banking and Finance from the University of Luxembourg. During her tenure at the depositary control department at UBS Bank, Luxembourg, she successfully completed Executive Program at New York University, USA.
Ts. Bolor has been appointed as the Financial Director of the Transport Development Bank since January 2021. He has more than 15 years of experience in the banking and financial industry in the fields of financial resources, asset management, financial management, planning, and insurance operations. In addition, during 10 years, he has experience working in Tengur Financial Group, its subsidiaries such as Khas Bank and Tengur Daatgal, from the market risk manager to the position of Director of Finance and Asset Management and Director of Operations. Ts. Bolor graduated from the Bayes Business School (formerly named after N. Kass) of the City University of London, UK, with a Master’s degree in Banking and Finance, and studied at the Cert CII level of the UK’s Specialized Insurance Institute.
S. Byambadelger has been appointed as the Business Development Director of the Transport Development Bank since September 19, 2024. S. Byambadelger started his career at King Bank in 2010 and worked as an Investment Banking Specialist, Risk Specialist, and Senior Risk Specialist at the bank, and at Schroders Investment Fund of the Kingdom of Luxembourg. In 2018, he was appointed as the Director of the Market Risk Department and the Director of the Risk Management Department at the Transport Development Bank. S. Byambadelger graduated from the University of Mongolia in 2006-2010 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in Economics and Statistics, and received a Master’s degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Luxembourg in 2014-2016. He is a professional official who has been working in the field of banking, risk management and investment for the 12th year.
V. Tuulmaa has been working as the Director of Risk Management of the Transport Development Bank since August 2021. An experienced banker who has been working in the banking and financial sector since 1996, and during his tenure under the Ministry of Finance, he worked as an accountant, loan officer, supervisor, employee, and acting head of department at the Bank’s Debt Settlement Office, as a credit control specialist and senior officer at Zoos Bank, and at the Small and Medium Business Credit Department. Director, Director of the Corporate Banking Department, Senior Officer of the Risk Management Department of the State Bank, Senior Project Officer at the Corporate Banking Department, In National Investment Bank, he was appointed as Director of Credit Department, Director of Risk Management Department, Director of Business Management Department, Director of Electronic Banking Center, Director of Risk Management Department, Director of Credit Department, and Director of Corporate Banking Department in Credit Bank in 2016-2021. In 1995, he received a bachelor’s degree in banking and credit economics and finance from the Institute of Finance and Economics, in 2004 he received a bachelor’s degree in law from the Institute of Law of the University of Mongolia, and in 2009 he received a master’s degree in business management from the Academy of Management.
Г.Энхбат нь 2023 оны 9 дүгээр сараас эхлэн Тээвэр хөгжлийн банкны Мэдээллийн технологи хариуцсан захирал албан тушаалд томилогдон ажиллаж байна.
2005 онд МУИС-ийн Математик компьютерын сургуулийг программ хангамжийн инженерээр бакалавр зэрэгтэй төгссөн..
Тэрээр банк, санхүүгийн салбарт Мэдээллийн технологийн чиглэлээр 18 жил ажилласан туршлагатай бөгөөд 2005 онд Худалдаа хөгжлийн банкнаас ажлын гараагаа системийн эрхлэгч албан тушаалаар эхэлж, 2011 онд Ахлах ажилтан, 2012 онд Суурь системийн хэлтсийн захирал, 2021 онд Мэдээллийн технологийн газрын захирал албан тушаалд aтус тус томилогдон ажиллаж байсан.
М.Батмөнх нь 2023 оны 10 дүгээр сарын 16-ны өдрөөс Тээвэр хөгжлийн банкны Зээл хариуцсан захирал албан тушаалд томилогдон ажиллаж байна.
М.Батмөнх нь банк санхүү, уул уурхайн салбарт дунд болон ахлах түвшний удирдлагын багт 22 жил ажилласан туршлагатай. 2001 онд ХасБанканд Жижиг дунд бизнесийн зээлийн мэргэжилтнээр ажлын гараагаа эхлүүлж ХасБанкны салбар, Зээлийн удирдлагын газрын Зээл эрхлэх хэлтэс, Зээлийн эрсдэлийн удирдлагын хэлтэс, Тусгай актив, Иргэдийн банкны газрын Харилцагчийн үйлчилгээний төв, Харилцагчийн удирдлагын хэлтэс, Дата шинжилгээний хэлтэс, Иргэдийн банкны зээлийн үйл ажиллагааны газрыг удирдаж олон өөрчлөлт, шинэчлэлтийн төслүүдийг амжилттай хэрэгжүүлсэн.
М.Батмөнх нь 2001 онд МУИС-ын Эдийн засгийн сургуулийг Санхүү-эдийн засагч, мэдээлэл зүйч мэргэжлээр төгссөн. 2004 онд Бизнесийн удирдлагын магистр цол хамгаалсан. 2011-2013 онд АНУ-ын Висконсин Мадисоны Их Сургуулийн Банкны ахисан түвшний сургууль (GSB) төгссөн. 2016, 2018 онд ХБНГУ-ын Шпаркассе Банкны Академийн сургагч багшийн сургалтад хамрагдаж сургагч багш болсон. Монголын банк, санхүүгийн салбарт мэргэжлийн боловсролыг дээшлүүлэх зорилготой Шпаркассе банкны Олон Улсын хамтын ажиллагааны сан, Монголбанк болон Монголын банкны холбоо, Банк санхүүгийн академийн хамтарсан төслүүдэд зээлийн мастер сургагч багшаар ажилладаг.
Н.Түвшинжаргал нь 2024 оны 8 дугаар сарын 30-ны өдрөөс Тээвэр хөгжлийн банкны Үйл ажиллагаа хариуцсан захирлын албан тушаалд томилогдон ажиллаж байна.
Тэрээр МУИС-ийг 2000 онд Санхүүч, эдийн засагч мэргэжлээр, 2003 онд Бизнесийн удирдлага чиглэлээр магистрын зэрэгтэй төгссөн.
Н.Түвшинжаргал нь банк, санхүүгийн салбарт 2002 оноос хойш ажиллаж байгаа туршлагатай бөгөөд ажиллах хугацаандаа ХААН Банкны Дотоод хяналтын газар Хянан шалгагч, Ахлах хянан шалгагч, Салбарын удирдлагын газрын Ахлах мэргэжилтэн, Байгууллагын банкны газрын Харилцааны менежер, Бизнес инкубатор төвийн Бизнес зөвлөх, Салбарын захирал, Эрсдэлийн удирдлагын газрын захирал, Зээлийн бодлого зохицуулалтын хэлтсийн дарга, Эрсдэл хариуцсан дэд захирал, Үйл ажиллагаа хариуцсан захирал, Өмчийн харилцаа хариуцсан захирал, Улаанбаатарын иргэдийн банк хариуцсан захирал, Жижиг дунд бизнесийн банк хариуцсан захирал, 2022 оноос Эн Ти Эм Холдинг ХХК-ийн Гүйцэтгэх захирал, Төслийн зөвлөх албан тушаалд тус тус ажилласан туршлагатай.