TransBank has successfully started cooperation with leading private banks in Singapore and Europe.
Category: Brief introduction of the bank
The official website of the bank has been newly developed with updates into the design.
We will increase the wealth of our shareholders by upholding our mission and values and guiding our operations.
We will create the most favorable working environment for employees, support them in every possible way, and provide opportunities for their development by implementing a human resources policy that will provide our employees with satisfaction, stability and high productivity.
Our mission
We will deliver advanced and comprehensive financial solutions through customer-centric services to our customers based on the approach of providing responsible financing and good governance services integrated with sustainable development through a team of professional experts.
Our vision
To become a world-class bank pioneering development and creating value with its customers.
Our slogan
Your financial partner to accelerate the development.
By providing a comprehensive and satisfying financial service based on the needs of our customers, we will exceed their expectations, thereby increasing their financial ability and confidence and increasing their value.
Social responsibility:
By developing a competitive business organization, we will work hard to build the well-being of the environment, the environment and our people.
Шинийг эрэлхийлэгч
- Өөрчлөлт хөгжилд тэмүүлэгч, шинийг эрэлхийлэгч, бүтээлч сэтгэлгээтэй
- Өөрийгөө таних, хөгжүүлэхийн төлөө тасралтгүй суралцагч
- Зорилгоосоо няцдаггүй, сахилга баттай, манлайлагч
TransBank has rejoined the campaign to plant 50 million trees by the year 2030 within the framework of the “Billion Tree” National Movement.
The service of accepting payments through the “WECHAT PAY” system has been introduced in Mongolia for the first time.
The audit of the Oracle system was conducted by an international firm.
Initiated the implementation the 7 main principles of green investment of the Belt and Road Initiative into the daily banking operations.
The decision to become a joint-stock company was made.