UnionPay Gold Debit Card

Terms and conditions

UnionPay Gold debit card
Currency MNT, USD, EUR, CNY
Admission fee 50,000 MNT
Validity 3 year
Card order fee (urgently) 5,000 MNT
Cash withdrawal at TransBank branch  200 MNT or currency equivalent to 200 MNT
Cash withdrawal from other banks’ АТМ 500 MNT or currency equivalent to 500 MNT
Cash withdrawal from foreign banks’ АТМ 2% (min 3 USD)
Balance inquiry at TransBank branch 100 MNT or currency equivalent to MNT
Balance inquiry at other domestic banks’ ATM
Balance inquiry at other domestic bank branch
To check account balance from foreign banks /AТМ/ 0.5 USD
Change PIN code at TransBank branch 1,000 MNT or currency equivalent to 1,000 MNT
Requesting new PIN code at TransBank branch
Request or change e-PIN code /Branch/ No fee
Reissuance fee 30,000 MNT
Daily cash withdrawal limit 25,000,000 MNT
Daily POS purchase limit 100,000,000 MNT
Minimum required balance 5,000 MNT / 10 USD / 10 EUR / 50 CNY
UnionPay Gold Debit Card

Required documents

Please visit the nearest branch of TransBank to order. 


  • ID card 

For foreigners:

  • Passport
  • Alien Registration Card
Visa Platinum Debit Card

We offer a Visa Platinum Debit card which will give you globally accepted payment, as well as the benefits, discounts, special services and flexibility that fully meet the needs.

Visa Platinum Debit Card

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions Visa Platinum debit card
Currency MNT, USD, EUR, CNY
Admission fee 500,000 MNT
Validity 3 year
Card order fee (urgently) 5,000 MNT
Cash withdrawal at TransBank branch  200 MNT or currency equivalent to 200 MNT
Cash withdrawal from other banks’ АТМ 500 MNT or currency equivalent to 500 MNT
Cash withdrawal from foreign banks’ АТМ 2% (min 3 USD)
Balance inquiry at TransBank branch 100 MNT or currency equivalent to MNT
Balance inquiry at other domestic banks’ ATM
Balance inquiry at other domestic bank branch
To check account balance from foreign banks /AТМ/ 0.5 USD
Change PIN code at TransBank branch 1,000 MNT or currency equivalent to 1,000 MNT
Requesting new PIN code at TransBank branch
Request or change e-PIN code /Branch/ No fee
Reissuance fee 250,000 MNT
Daily cash withdrawal limit 50,000,000 MNT
Daily POS purchase limit 300,000,000 MNT
Minimum required balance 5,000 MNT / 10 USD / 10 EUR / 50 CNY
Visa Platinum Debit Card

Required documents

Please visit the nearest branch of TransBank to order. 


  • ID card 

For foreigners:

  • Passport
  • Alien Registration Card
News News

Эрхэм харилцагчдын анхааралд

Соронзон туузан карт хэрэглээнээс гарч, ашиглах боломжгүй болж буй тул эрхэм харилцагч та бүхэн туузан картаа шинэчилж, өндөр нууцлал бүхий EMV чиптэй картаар үнэгүй солиулаарай.

Ингэснээр картын нууцлалыг орчин үеийн өндөр түвшинд хангаж, мэдээлэл алдагдах аливаа эрсдэлээс сэргийлэх ач холбогдолтой юм.

Харилцагчийн үйлчилгээний төв: 1800-9999

News News

We are pleased to present the 2023Q4 financial report for TransBank.

The bank’s total assets have been sustained at a level exceeding MNT one trillion, culminating at MNT 1.2 trillion. In the fiscal year 2023, the bank achieved a net profit of MNT 10.7 billion, meeting the prudential ratios set by the Central Bank of Mongolia. The liquidity ratio reached 33.8 percent, and the equity ratio was 22.5 percent.

As the year concluded, the total deposits amounted to MNT 677 billion, and the loan portfolio reached MNT 695 billion. We persist in broadening our customer collaboration and strengthening our market share.

The year 2023 was marked by numerous accomplishments in Transport and Development Bank’s internal and external relations. Serving as a trusted advisor and reliable partner to our customers, we take pride in our success in delivering benefits and value through our dedication to social responsibility and the introduction of innovative products and services.

Click here for the financial report for the fourth quarter of 2023.

Quarterly financial statements

As of December 31, 2023

(MNT million)

1.1 Cash and cash equivalents                           483,493                           353,296
1.2 Due from banks and financial institutions                             69,136                             78,448
1.3 Financial investments                             12,279                             62,678
1.4 Loans and advances to customers (net)                           556,701                           672,435
1.4.1 Performing loans                           497,794                           632,883
1.4.2 Non-performing loans                             77,125                             62,023
1.4.3 Deferred loan payment                                 (140)                                 (159)
1.4.4 Accrued interest receivable                             11,399                             15,013
1.4.5 Loan loss provision                           (29,477)                           (37,325)
1.5 Derivative financial assets                                3,813                                2,443
1.6 Other financial assets                                   694                                   703
1.7 Other non-financial assets                                3,274                             20,906
1.8 Fixed assets                             22,125                             19,603
1.9 Properties held for sale                             14,902
1.10 Intangible assets                             10,486                             13,067
1.11 Total assets                    1,162,001                       1,238,481
2.1 Current accounts                           120,912                             92,072
2.2 Savings accounts                           400,133                           482,662
2.3 Due to banks and financial instituitions                           404,291                           368,160
2.4 Other funds                             20,560                             47,667
2.5 Derivative financial liabilities                                5,840                                3,409
2.6 Other liabilities                             24,042                             47,456
2.7 Total liabilities                         975,778                       1,041,426
3.1 Share capital                           146,474                           146,474
3.2 Share premium                             15,647                             15,647
3.3 Treasury shares


3.4 Retained earnings                             30,030                             41,867
3.5 Other reserves                                1,104                                      99
3.6 Total equity                           186,223                           197,055
4 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                    1,162,001                    1,238,481
Contingencies and commitments (net)       11,078            16,760

(MNT million)

INCOME STATEMENT 31/12/2022 31/12/2023
1 Interest income                             84,938                           117,621
1.1 From Bank of Mongolia                                   415                                1,847
1.2 From banks and financial institutions                                2,582                                3,397
1.3 From securities                                4,372                                7,766
1.4 From loans                             72,480                           100,867
1.5 Other interest income                                5,089                                3,744
2 Interest expense                             45,956                             74,205
2.1 Interest expense on current accounts                                       –                                1,877
2.2 Interest expense on savings accounts                             37,816                             61,858
2.3 Interest expense on borrowed funds                                2,378                                2,940
2.4 Interest expense on securities                                1,711                                1,052
2.5 Other interest expenses                                4,051                                6,478
3 Net interest income (1-2)                             38,982                             43,416
4 Provision expense                                9,190                                8,177
4.1 Deposits at banks and financial institutions                                   768                                   252
4.2 Securities                                      69                                        6
4.3 Loans                                8,353                                7,919
5 Net income after provision (3-4)                             29,792                             35,239
6 Other income                             31,544                             31,202
6.1 Non-interest income                             31,100                             31,072
6.1.1 Trading income                             19,213                             14,229
6.1.2 Foreign exchange and revaluation income                             10,497                             15,271
6.1.3 Fees and commission income                                1,390                                1,307
6.1.4 Other non-interest income                                       –                                   265
6.2 Other income, gain                                   444                                   130
7 Other expenses                             47,704                             53,850
7.1 Non-interest expenses                             47,157                             53,620
7.1.1 Other provision expense                                      58                                       –
7.1.2 Trading expense                             15,191                             10,974
7.1.3 Foreign exchange and revaluation expense                                9,376                             14,939
7.1.4 Fees and commission expense                                1,150                                1,512
7.1.5 Other operating expenses                             21,382                             26,195
7.2 Other expenses, losses                                   547                                   230
8 Profit Before Tax (5+6-7)                             13,632                             12,591
9 Income tax expense                                2,944                                1,858
10 Net profit for the year (8-9)                             10,688                             10,733
11 Other comprehensive income                                   (76)                                      52
12 Total comprehensive income for the year (10+11)                             10,612                             10,785

(MNT million)

Tier 1 capital ratio ≥ 9% 22.5%
Capital adequacy ratio ≥ 12% 22.5%
Liquidity ratio ≥ 25% 33.8%
Foreign currency open position ratio (single currency) < ±15% -2.9%
Foreign currency open position ratio (total) < ±30% -8.1%

(MNT million)

1 Loans and advances to a related party (less than 5% of total equity) 3.2%
1.1 Bank shareholders  – 0.0%
1.2 Key management personnel                                  –                                       – 0.0%
1.3 Other related parties Loan 6,351 3.2%
2 Total loans and advances to related parties (less than 20% of total equity) 12.4%
2.1 Bank shareholders Loan                                   100 0.1%
2.2 Key management personnel Loan                                   404 0.2%
2.3 Other related parties Loan                         23,907 12.1%
News News


The bank’s Customer Service Center is dedicated to providing customers with the best service possible, including identifying their needs, providing accurate and realistic information about the bank’s operations and products, receiving customer feedback, and promptly solving any problems that may arise.

Please contact the Customer Service Center 24 hours a day to get product and service information by calling the new number 1800-9999, visiting the bank’s official website, or sending an email to or

Thank you for being our valued customer.

News News


Тээвэр хөгжлийн банк нь 2023 онд дотоод болон гадаад харилцаандаа ололт амжилтаар өрнүүн дэлгэр байж, харилцагчдынхаа итгэлт зөвлөх, найдвартай түнш нь байхын сацуу нийгмийн хариуцлага, шинэлэг бүтээгдэхүүн үйлчилгээгээрээ түүчээлэн үр өгөөж, үнэ цэнийг бүтээсэн дүүрэн амжилттай жил байлаа.

2023 онд банкны системд томоохон төсөл хэрэгжүүлсэн бөгөөд картын удирдлагын системдээ “Compass Plus Technologies” компанийн TranzAxis платформыг нэвтрүүлсэн Монголын анхны арилжааны банк болсноор дэлхийн дижитал төлбөрийн технологийн компани болох Visa International байгууллагад үндсэн гишүүн болсон системийн 6 дахь банк болов. Үүний зэрэгцээ 2022 онд улсын төсөвт ₮24.3 тэрбумыг төвлөрүүлж, Монгол улсын ТОП 100 ААН-ын нэгээр тодорлоо.

Тээвэр хөгжлийн банк нь гадаад түншлэлээ бэхжүүлэн 2023 оны 4-р сард олон улс дахь анхны төлөөлөгчийн газраа Япон улсын Токио хотод нээсэн нь бизнесийн таатай орчныг бүрдүүлээд зогсохгүй харилцагчтайгаа урт хугацааны нягт түншлэл, итгэлцлийн тулгуур болсон томоохон үйл хэрэг болсон юм. Мөн Швейцар улсын UBP Хувийн банкны Сингапур улсын салбартай хамтын ажиллагаагаа ахиулж, БНХАУ-ын Bank of China, ALIBABA группийн Zhejiang E-Commerce Bank -тай хамтын ажиллагааны гэрээ үзэглэлээ. Үүнээс гадна Нидерланд улсад төвтэй Нүүрстөрөгчийн Нягтлан Бодох Бүртгэлийн Санхүүгийн Түншлэлд (PCAF)-д гишүүнээр нэгдлээ.

Нийгмийн хариуцлагын хүрээнд нийгмийн хандлагыг өөрчлөх, тэгш хүртээмжтэй орчныг бий болгоход хувь нэмрээ оруулах зорилгоор Монголын Тусгай олимпын хорооны “Torch Run 2023” болон “National Game 2023” зэрэг үйл ажиллагаануудыг дэмжин ажиллав.

Харин манай сагсан бөмбөгийн шигшээ багийн хамт олон анх удаа Банк хоорондын сагсан бөмбөгийн 3х3-н төрлөөр мөнгөн медаль хүртсэнээр багийн спортын амжилтын эхлэлийг тавилаа.

Улиран өнгөрч буй 2023 онд Тээвэр хөгжлийн банктай хамт байж, бидэнд итгэл хүлээлгэсэн та бүхэндээ баярлалаа.

Bank's history and highlights

2023 оны 12-р сар

Тээвэр хөгжлийн банк нь Швейцар улсын UBP Хувийн банкны Сингапур улсын салбартай хамтын ажиллагааг шинэ түвшинд гаргаж, харилцагчдадаа олон улсын хувийн банкны бүтээгдэхүүн үйлчилгээг хүргэж байна.

Bank's history and highlights

2023 оны 12-р сар

Тээвэр хөгжлийн банкны гадаад харилцааг тэр дундаа БНХАУ-тай хамтран ажиллах харилцааг өргөжүүлэх ажлын хүрээнд BEIJING TANCHENG INTERNATIONAL SERVICE-тэй хамтын ажиллагааны гэрээ байгуулав.

Green project loan


  • The duration of the loan and the release of the principal loan are long and available in three types of currency;
  • You, the client, can change your basic business model within the scope of the project loan and move to a more resource-efficient, environmentally friendly and green business model.
Green project loan


Green Project Loans MNT USD EUR
Maximum loan amount The maximum loan amount will be determined depending on the size of the business, capital and financial ability.
Loan interest /monthly/ 2.0%- 1.6% 1.5% – 1.1% 1.5%-1.1%
Loan interest /annual/ 24.0%-19.2% 18.0%- 13.2% 18.0%-13.2%
Up to 60 months
Up to 36 months
Lending fees 1% of the loan amount or the maximum amount is 1,500,000 MNT 0.5% of the loan amount or the maximum amount is 1,500 USD or its equivalent in Euro
Added interest The added interest is equal to 20% of the basic interest
Fee for modification of the original loan conditions 0%
Period of exemption from principal From 12 to 24 months
Application Fee 30,000 MNT
Loan database reference fees /When loaned/ For each inquiry during the loan investigation /Citizen, Organization/ – 1,000 MNT
Green loan project


The duration of the loan and the release of the principal loan are long and available in three types of currency

You, the client, can change your basic business model within the scope of the project loan and move to a more resource-efficient, environmentally friendly and green business model
