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WeChat Pay service



International Banking Services

Diversified funding solutions

We work with world-renowned banks and financial institutions, export agencies, development banks such as Commerzbank AG, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, IBEC etc. in the field of trade finance to provide our customers with low cost financing solutions to increase the working capital management.

International Banking Services

Secure, fast and low-cost foreign remittance

In cooperation with global banks such as China Constructions Bank, KEB Hana bank, Commerzbank, SMBC bank, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation etc. in the field of foreign payments, we offer fast and secure foreign payments services to our customers. The transactions are made through our 31 nostro accounts held with 15 leading banks in 9 different currencies.

International Banking Services

Professional team

By using financial instruments such as project financing and syndicated lending, we offer our customers the ability to attract funds from foreign markets.

International Banking Services

Comprehensive banking products and services

In cooperation with internationally renowned banks and financial institutions in the fields of trade finance, project finance and international payments, we offer our customers a comprehensive range of products and services tailored at customers convenience.

Consular verification of documents, information on apostille certificates and process drawings

Апостиль гэрчилгээ

Монгол Улсын бичиг баримтыг гадаадын улс орнуудад хэрэглэх тохиолдолд апостиль гэрчилгээгээр баталгаажуулах шаардлагатай. Ингэснээр ямар нэг дахин баталгаажуулалт шаардахгүйгээр таны бичиг баримт Апостиль конвенцийн гишүүн 121 улсад хүчин төгөлдөр болох юм. КОНСУЛЫН ГАЗАРТ ХАНДАН ДАРААХ ТӨРЛИЙН БИЧИГ БАРИМТАД АПОСТИЛЬ ГЭРЧИЛГЭЭ АВАХ БОЛОМЖТОЙ: – Иргэний үнэмлэх, паспорт, төрсний болон гэрлэлтийн гэрчилгээ зэрэг бүх төрлийн иргэний бүртгэлийн гэрчилгээ, – Иргэний бүртгэлийн болон цагдаагийн тодорхойлолт – Бүх шатны боловсролын гэрчилгээ – Шүүх, прокурорын шийдвэр – Төрийн захиргааны байгууллагаас олгодог бусад баримт бичиг – Бүрдүүлсэн баримт бичгийг тухайн улсад хэрэглэгдэх хэлээр баталгаат орчуулгын товчоогоор орчуулж, Монгол Улсын нотариатаар баталгаажуулсан байна.

Translation of the law

Холбогдох хуулийн зүйл заалттай танилцана уу

Financial education News


As of December 31, 2024, TransBank’s total assets reached MNT 1.1 trillion.

Through improvements in asset quality and growth in funding sources during the reporting period, the bank achieved a net profit of MNT 11.6 billion. Additionally, the credit risk-bearing capacity ratio increased to 87%, a 26-percentage-point rise compared to the previous year.

The bank’s prudential ratios remain within the regulation set by the Bank of Mongolia. The liquidity ratio stands at 31.8%, and the capital adequacy ratio is 25.2%, exceeding the required minimum by 13.2 percentage points.

During this period, TransBank made significant strides in enhancing its customer service culture, improving risk management practices, and optimizing internal operations. These efforts have bolstered the bank’s service availability, scope, efficiency, and competitiveness, while strengthening its long-term financial stability and capacity.

For detailed financial information, please click HERE.

Submit a request

Relevant considerations

  1. Prior to submitting the registration form, it’s crucial to carefully read and review each question and ensure that all information is entered accurately and completely. The applicant bears full responsibility for any consequences resulting from providing incorrect, false information in the registration form.
  2. Any relationship related to the account opening process shall be regulated in accordance with the relevant laws of Mongolia and the deposit agreement concluded with the Bank.
  3. The applicant must fill out the account forms and agreement, and have such documents be verified by twither the Embassy of Mongolia, Consulate, or Representative office, and mail the verified documents to the Transport and Development Bank as per the directions given in the bank’s official email.
  4. The bank will either open the account within five business days of receiving the customer’s documents and completing the necessary review, or refuse to open the account if the submitted documents do not meet the legal requirements.
  5. The Transport Development Bank will exclusively use the email address ………… to send all communications concerning customer account opening services. If you receive any information from a different email address, please report it immediately to the aforementioned email address.
  6. Please note that the account will be closed if there is no income in the opened account within 30 days from the day of receiving the e-mail.
  7. It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your account information and internet banking login name and password, and the Bank cannot be held accountable for any repercussions resulting from the misuse of this information by third parties.