Bank's history and highlights


Enerelt Batbold appointed as CEO of TransBank.



TranspBank announces that on December 20, 2022, due to internal work, all branches and units will work from 09:00 to 16:00.

Customers, please get financial services using Card, Most Money, TransBank application and Internet banking on this day.

Dear customer, thank you for understanding and accepting our work.



From January 1, 2023, the following changes are taking place in the terms of open-ended deposits of the TransBank.

Annual interest on demand deposit:

8.0% 1.2% 1.20% 1.20% 1.20%

According to Article 18, Clause 18.1 of the Law “On Preventing and Combating the Pandemic of the Corona Virus /Covid-19, and Reducing the Negative Impact on Society and Economy”, it will expire on December 31, 2022. In the event of termination, the above conditions will apply.



Moody’s remained the Transport and Development Bank LLC’s B3 rating and outlook as stable in its latest Credit Opinion published as of November 14, 2022.

The Moody’s  also notes the Bank has strong capital position compared with that of its larger commercial bank peers and expects the bank’s liquidity remain robust over the next 12-18 months, although the ratio will gradually decline as its loan business expands.

Outlook Stable
Issuer Rating B3
Counterparty Risk Rating-Fgn Curr В3/NP
Counterparty Risk Rating-Dom Curr B2/NP
Bank Deposits B3/NP
Baseline Credit Assessment b3
Bank's history and highlights


The total number of branches has expanded to 12, with an addition of 4 new branches

Bank's history and highlights


TransBank has been rated B3 “Stable” by Moody’s agency for 4 consecutive years.

Bank's history and highlights


Within the framework of social responsibility, based on the initiative of our employees, useful items and more than 1000 books have been donated to the “Tsuliin Sarnai” care center.

Forms and request lists


Bank's history and highlights


TransBank has successfully started cooperation with leading private banks in Singapore and Europe.

Bank's history and highlights


The official website of the bank has been newly developed with updates into the design.

Most Money

The Board of Directors

Tserendash Sedvanchig

Tserendash S. graduated from Indiana University in the USA with a bachelor’s degree in Finance in 2009. He furthered his education at the University of Luxembourg, where he earned a master’s degree in Asset management in 2017.

With a professional career of serving as a specialist of Finance and Economic Policy Department from 2009 to 2013 and specialist at the Financial Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance from 2015 to 2017, Director of Corporate Banking Department at State Bank from 2013 to 2015, Head of the department that responsible for preparing the establishment of the Investment Management company and Investment fund of the Development Bank in 2017, Executive Director of DBM Asset Management, a subsidiary of the Development Bank, from 2017 to 2019, Head of Securities Department of the Financial Regulatory Commission from 2020 to 2021, Deputy Director of Business Development of the Development Bank from 2021 to 2022. In 2022, he became the Executive Director and Project Consultant of Burenscore CIB LLC, a position he held until 2023, then served as Deputy Head of the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance from February to June 2023.

He has been a member of TransBank’s Board of Directors since December 6, 2023, and was appointed Chairman of the Board effective August 26, 2024.

The Board of Directors

Munkhbayar Batkhuu

Munkhbayar B. graduated from the Mongolian Institute of Finance and Economics with a bachelor’s degree in Business management, marketing, and management in 1998. He earned a master’s degree in computer software engineering from the University of Science and Technology in 2002, and a degree in software outsourcing project management in Tokyo, Japan.

With 14 years of experience in banking and financial institutions, he served as the General Manager of T&C Co., Ltd. from 1996 to 2000, System Administrator and Marketing manager at Mobicom Corporation from 2000 to 2004, General Manager and Executive Director at United Solutions International Inc. from 2005 to 2010, IT Director at XacBank from 2010 to 2014, Project Management Consultant at GIZ from 2013 to 2019, IT Director of Arig Bank from 2014 to 2018, Director and founder of CRMC (Consulting LLC, Mongolian Artificial Intelligence Research Institute) since 2014, and currently, he is serving as the Auditor of the Mongolian University of Life Sciences and the Contract Director of Information Technology since 2022.

As of December 6, 2023, he has been appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of TransBank.

The Board of Directors

Zorigtbaatar Chansaa

Чансаа овогтой Зоригтбаатар нь 1997 онд Санхүү эдийн засгийн дээд сургуулийг Банк санхүүгийн эдийн засагч мэргэжлээр Бакалавр, 1998 онд Монгол Улсын Их сургуулийн Хууль эрх зүйн сургуулийг Эрхзүйч мэргэжлээр Бакалавр, Магистр зэрэг тус тус хамгаалж төгссөн.

Тэрээр банк санхүүгийн байгууллагад 25 гаруй жил ажиллаж байгаа туршлагатай бөгөөд ажиллах хугацаандаа 1996 онд Төрийн өмчийн хорооны хуулийн зөвлөх, 1997-1998 онд Монгол Улсын их сургуулийн Хууль зүйн дунд сургуулийн хичээлийн эрхлэгч, 1998-2006 онд Монголбанкны Хуулийн хэлтсийн мэргэжилтэн, 2006-2009 онд Зоос банканд эрх зүйн газрын захирал, Анод банк ХК дахь банкны эрх хүлээн авагчийн зөвлөлийн гишүүн, 2016 онд Төрийн банкны ахлах мэргэжилтэн мөн өмгөөлөгчдийн холбооны өмгөөлөгчөөр одоог хүртэл ажиллаж байна.

Ч.Зоригтбаатар нь Тээвэр хөгжлийн банкны Төлөөлөн удирдах зөвлөлийн хараат бус гишүүнээр 2024 оны 02 дугаар сарын 01-ний өдрөөс эхлэн томилогдон ажиллаж байна.

Executive management team

Erdenebayar Batchuluun

Mr. Erdenebayar Batchuluun graduated from the School of Economics of the National University of Mongolia with a bachelor’s degree in Financial Management from 2004 to 2008 and a master’s degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Luxembourg from 2015 to 2017, a management program at New York University in 2016. He has a CFA level 2 and ERM level 1 international certificate.

He has more than 14 years of professional experience in the banking and finance sector. During his tenure, he has fulfilled positions as a financial analyst at XacBank from 2008 to 2010, a senior financial analyst from 2010 to 2012, Head of the Financial Management department from 2012 to 2015, specialist at Schroder’s asset management company from 2016 to 2017, Head of the Product/Business development department at XacBank from 2017 to 2020, Chief Executive Officer at Credit bank in 2020, and as Chief Executive Officer at TransBank from 2020 to 2022.

Mr. Erdenebayar has served as a member of TransBank’s Board of Directors since January 2, 2023, and was appointed Chairman of the Board in October 2023. Effective August 26, 2024, he has been appointed as the Interim Chief Executive Officer while also maintaining his position as a member of the Board.