Investment Loan

Eligibility or required documents

  • Loan Application / Bank’s application form/ and 1 passport-sized photo
  • A copy of the notarized citizen identification card (applies also to a person when the loan is jointly received). The loan officer checks the original ID card and takes a copy. Otherwise, the loan officer will require a notarized copy.
  • Statement of residence and statement from the National Police Agency of Mongolia
  • Collateral documents, real estate certificate, reference, land certificate, contract, cadastral map
  • Proof of income source documents and account statements
  • Permissions to operate and lease agreement
  • Proof of loan purpose
  • Proof of tax receipt in case of real estate purchase
  • Other required documents
Working capital loan

Terms and conditions

Working capital loan




Maximum amount of the loan is determined based on range of operations, capital and financial capacity of the client’s business. 

Interest rate /monthly/

2.00%-1.60% 1.50%-1.10% 1.20%-0.85% 1.20%-0.85%


Interest rate /annually/

24.00%-19.20% 18.00%-13.20% 14.40%-10.20% 14.40%-10.20%



Up to 36 months

Service fee 

1% of the loan amount /maximum MNT 1,500,000/

0.5% of the loan amount /maximum USD 1,500 or amount equivalent to EUR, CNY, JPY

Penalty interest rate

Penalty interest rate /equivalent to 20% of base interest rate/ is added to the base interest rate

Fee for changing the original loan terms


Grace period

Up to 12 months

Loan application fee 

MNT 30,000

Credit recording enquiry fee /during loan analysis procedure/

Individual – MNT 1,000

Corporate – MNT 1,000

* Effective percentage rate /annual/: MNT 19.95%-24.77%

Working capital loan


  • Evidence of running the business in the last 12 months and continuing to pursue it as a going concern
  • Collateral to satisfy the bank’s requirements (e.g. property deeds, other fixed or moveable assets, etc.)
  • Other requirements from the bank on a case by case basis.
Working capital loan

Eligibility or required documents

  • Loan Application / Bank’s application form/ and 1 passport-sized photo
  • A copy of the notarized citizen identification card (applies also to a person when the loan is jointly received). The loan officer checks the original ID card and takes a copy. Otherwise, the loan officer will require a notarized copy.
  • Statement of residence
  • Collateral documents, real estate certificate, reference, land certificate, contract, cadastral map
  • Proof of income source documents and account statements
  • Permissions to operate and lease agreement
  • Proof of loan purpose
  • Proof of tax receipt in case of real estate purchase
  • Other required documents
Salary Loan


  • Get a loan as soon as possible if you need it financially;
Salary Loan

Terms and conditions

Salary loan


Maximum amount

Up to 60% of net salary for up to 30 months

Interest rate /monthly/


Interest rate /year/


Loan term

Up to 30 months

Service fee


Penalty interest rate

Penalty interest rate /equivalent to 20% of base interest rate/ is added to the base interest rate

Fee for changing the original loan terms

1% of the loan balance

Application fee

10,000 MNT

Credit recording enquiry fee /during loan analysis procedure/

Individual – 1,000 MNT

* Effective percentage rate /annual/: 17.92%-25.16%

Salary Loan

Eligibility or required documents

  • Request form, a passport photo, ID card and written request (to be written by hand);
  • Original and copy of social insurance book;
  • Residency reference;
  • Reference from the organization /it should be mentioned that it is possible to work in a stable way in the future/;
  • Salary account statement;
  • Other documents to determine household income and expenditure;
  • Other documents if loan collateralized.
Convertible savings collateral loan


  • Offers loans up to 80% of your convertible term deposit, which is the highest percent of potential loan amount;
  • No service fee.
Convertible savings collateral loan

Terms and conditions

Convertible deposit collateralized loan

In case loan is provided in foreign currency by collateralizing MNT convertible term deposit 

Loan amount

Up to 80% of total amount of convertible term deposit

Loan interest rate /annual/                          

Annual interest rate of term deposit + 6.0%


Determined upon maturity date of term deposit

Service fee 


Penalty interest rate

Penalty interest rate /equivalent to 20% of base interest rate/ is added to the base interest rate

Fee for changing the original loan terms


Loan application fee 

MNT 1,000

Deposit backed loan


  • Additional materials are not required;
  • Can receive loan in no time;
  • Receive loan and make loan payment through online banking.
Deposit backed loan

Terms and conditions

Conditions Savings collateralized loan
Loan amount The total amount of loan and interest shall not exceed the balance of the term deposit
Loan interest rate /annual/ Loan at branches:
More than MNT 1 billion /term deposit amount/ Annual interest rate of term deposit +4%
MNT 500,000,001 – MNT 1 billion /term deposit amount/ Annual interest rate of term deposit +5%
Up to MNT 500,000,000 /term deposit amount/ Annual interest rate of term deposit +6%
Currency of loan MNT
Term Determined by maturity date of term deposit
Service fee 0%
Fee for changing the original loan terms 0%
Loan application fee MNT 0
Consumer loans with


  • Satisfies the client’s financing need; 
  • Prompt solution in short period of time;
  • Offers the lowest interest rate on the market for a collateral loan service.
Consumer loans with

Terms and conditions

Collateral loan

Apartment and retail real estate collateralized loan Private home with  land – collateralized loan

Transportation vehicle collateralized loan

Loan amount     

Up to MNT 40,000,000

Up to MNT 20,000,000

Up to MNT 10,000,000

Loan amount is determined based on the fact that the monthly payment is no more than 60% of client’s total income after-tax.

Interest rate /monthly/


Interest rate /annual/


Loan term

Up to 24 months

Up to 12 months

Service fee

1% of the loan amount

Penalty interest rate

Penalty interest rate /equivalent to 20% of base interest rate/ is added to the base interest rate

Fee for changing the original loan terms

0.5% of the outstanding loan / maximum MNT 1,000,000/

Loan application fee

MNT 10,000

Credit recording enquiry fee /during loan analysis procedure/

Individual – MNT 1,000

Corporate – MNT 1,000

* Effective percentage rate /annual/: 20.26%-28.70%

Consumer loans with


  • Collateral property must be registered on the borrower’s name;
  • Up to 60% of after-tax income of the borrower must be sufficient for the monthly payment;
  • The borrower must not have an outstanding or overdue loans at another bank or NBFI.
Consumer loans with

Eligibility or required documents

  • Loan Application / Bank’s application /, 1 passport-sized photo, ID card and its copy;
  • Statement of residence;
  • Proof of income source documents and account statements;
  • Original documents of collateral /enquiry of non-collateral from the General Authority of State Registration/;
  • Other materials required from Bank.