Savings Account

Sakura Savings Account

The Sakura Term Deposit is a secure savings product offered to customers in Japan, with competitive interest rates available for deposits in Mongolian Tugriks (MNT), as well as three other major foreign currencies.

Savings Account

Terms and conditions

Sakura term deposit




12 month 15.5% p.a 7.0% p.a 6.0% p.a
Penalty interest rate (annual) 4.8% 1.2% 0.6%
  Tenor of the term deposit can be extended only at the date of maturity
Minimum balance requirement No minimum balance requirement
Interest capitalization Interest on the deposit is paid to the customer’s current account on quarterly basis
Deposits It is possible to deposit into the term deposit account
Withdrawals On the date of maturity, to the customer’s own specified bank account
Issuance of deposit-backed loans and credit cards N/A
Co-account holder N/A

·         Customer can make deposit and withdraw transactions only between customer’s own bank accounts which is either a saving account or an account in a foreign bank under his/her title (Foreign remittance fees and charges related to the transaction shall be borne by the customer).

·         Interest on the deposit is paid quarterly to the customer’s current account and relevant taxes will be deducted.

·         At the end of term deposit contract, if no extension of the contract is requested, the deposit will be transferred to the demand deposit.

·         If the customer does not deposit the fund within 30 days after the bank account opening, the customer will be contacted to clarify whether the account should be closed.

Savings Account

Required documents for submission

  1. Passport;
  2. Request form (click here to download);
  3. *Additional documents;

* Additional documents: The Bank may require additional documents and clarifications related to KYC procedures.

If the customer refuses to provide the necessary information, the Bank is obliged to refuse to provide services according to the AML-CFT Law of Mongolia.

The customer must not have intentions of engaging in money laundering or financing terrorism, nor have any affiliation with such illicit activities. Additionally, the customer must comply with the Law of Mongolia on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism, to avoid any violation of regulations in this regard.

In accordance with the Civil Law of Mongolia, the Law on Personal Privacy, and the Law on Organizational Confidentiality, the Bank will keep customer information strictly confidential except in special cases stipulated by law.

Introduction to TransBank

Introduction to TransBank


  • Click here to learn more about TransBank.
Project Loans and Syndication

Green Project Loan

The purpose of this product is to finance our customers’ projects that are intended for their improvement of sustainable use of energy, water, and materials, better waste management, long-term sustainable operation and their green businesses projects.

Project Loans and Syndication

Advantages of Green Project Loan

  • Longer repayment and grace period, available in 3 currencies;
  • The product provides our clients with the opportunity to modify their basic business model, thus shift to a more resource-efficient, environmentally friendly and green business model.
Project Loans and Syndication

Terms and Conditions of Green Project Loan

Green Project Loan



Maximum amount of loan

Depends on business scope and financial abilities.

Interest rate /monthly/

2.0%- 1.6%

1.5% – 1.1%


Interest rate /annual/


18.0%- 13.2%


Loan period

Up to 60 months

Up to 36 months

Service fee

1% of loan amount (min. MNT 1,500,00)

0.5% of loan amount (min. USD 1,500 or equivalent amount in EUR)

Penalty rate

20% of loan amount

Fee for amending the initial term of the loan


Grace period

12-24 months



  • Professional investment analyst and experienced team
  • Long-term secure partnerships
  • Up-to-date market news


Initial public offering:

  1. Stocks
  2. Bonds

Private placement /Over-the-counter market/:

  1. Stocks
  2. Bonds

Issuing additional shares

Issuing asset-backed securities


Track record

  • In May 2020, we served as a co-underwriter for the initial public offering (IPO) of Bodi Insurance JSC.
  • In December 2022, we served as a co-underwriter for the over-the-counter issuance of bonds by Tavan Bogd Finance NBFI.