Service types | Contribution fee |
Statement of account /1 page/ | 100 MNT |
Description: /Citizen, Organization/ | |
Account description /in Mongolian, in English/ | 4,000 MNT |
Account description /in English/ | 2,000 MNT |
Description with additional information at the customer’s request | 15,000 MNT |
Description related to the account within 14 days or less after opening the account or changing the co-owner of the account | 30,000 MNT |
When the definition is given again /1 more/ | 1,000 MNT |
Description of Availability in Credit Loan Survey | 30,000 MNT |
Print receipts, expenses and non-cash receipts from the program | 300 MNT |
Filtering documents from the archive and making copies of documents /every page/ | 3,000 MNT/within 1 year/
5,000 MNT /within 1-3 years/ 10,000 MNT/3 more year/ |
Making a correction transaction due to the customer’s fault | 500 MNT |
Customer Daily Statement | Free |
Savings book | Free |
Cashier’s check /For organizations/ | |
One page | 200 MNT |
In a book /with 25 pages/ | 4,000 MNT |
Signature Verification Form | Free |
Debit and credit transaction form | |
Account opening request form | |
Account Balance Confirmation Form |
Author: admin
- The easiest and most reliable way to store your valuables;
- Completely protected from outside influences;
- Only you know what’s in the box;
- You can own as many boxes as you want;
- At your request, the securities can be co-owned or entrusted.
Terms and conditions
№ | Box size /length*width*height/ |
Storage period
From 1 to 15 days
From 16 to 30 days
From 31 to 90 days
More than 91 days
Key deposit 100,000 MNT
1 |
56*30*52 | 700 MNT | 650 MNT | 550 MNT |
500 MNT |
2 |
56*30*22 | 500 MNT | 400 MNT | 350 MNT |
300 MNT |
3 |
56*30*11 | 450 MNT | 350 MNT | 300 MNT |
250 MNT |
Formal request for service registration.
- Requests for products and services /download here/
- Signature confirmation form and notarized by bank model /download here/
Identity card
- There is no need to waste time in person at the bank branch;
- Generate regular income for savings purposes;
- Transfers can be made daily, monthly or at the customer’s request as a fixed amount or as a percentage of the account balance, and these are agreed upon in the contract.
Contributions and fees
Service type |
Fees |
Registration fee
Free |
Transfer within the bank
Free |
Have a current account for the organization.
- Customer application form; /download here/
- Official letter; /Request to open an account/
- A copy the registration certificate issued by the State Registration authorities;
- Company charter;
- Authorized signature, stamp /must be authorized by notary/; /download here/
- Authorized person’s documents such as identification card;
Customer application form; /download here/
- For Mongolian citizens: Citizens ID card;
- For Foreign citizens: Passport and certificate of alien registration
- Customer application form; /download here/
- Official letter /Request to open an account/
- A copy the registration certificate issued by the State Registration authorities;
- Company charter;
- Authorized signature, stamp /must be authorized by notary; /download here/
- Authorized person’s documents such as identification card. A copy of the license issued by the Financial Regulatory Commission /with the original/