- High interest rates in the short term;
Conversion and storage without exchange rate risk;
You can get a low-interest loan by your savings.
Author: admin
Terms and conditions
Hedged |
Conditions | |
Account currency |
Term of deposit |
6 months | 12 months |
Annual Interest | 6.00% |
7.00% |
Interest payment on early termination |
2.0% /annual interest/ | |
Minimum balance |
USD equivalent to 200,000,000 MNT |
Interest payment conditions |
At the end of the period |
Eligibility or required documents
- Customer application form; /download here/
- Official letter /Request to open an account/
- A copy the registration certificate issued by the State Registration authorities;
- Company charter;
- Authorized signature, stamp /must be authorized by notary/; /download here/
- Authorized person’s documents such as identification card;
Terms and conditions
Types of services |
Short-term | Long-term | ||
Term of deposit | 6 months |
12 months |
Currency |
Annual Interest | 15.00% | 5.0% | 16.0% |
6.0% |
Effective interest rate |
15.9% | 5.1% | 17.0% |
6.1% |
Interest payment on early termination |
2.4%-4.8% | 1.20% | 2.4%-4.8% | 1.20% |
Minimum balance | 200,000,000 MNT and equivalent USD |
500,000,000 MNT and equivalent USD |
Interest payment conditions |
Quarterly | |||
Credit conditions |
Quarterly |
Debit conditions |
Possible. With the approval of the Chief Financial Officer | |||
Conversion |
At any time during the contract period, the full amount of the savings will be made. |
Foreign currency convertible savings
Currency |
Terms |
12 months |
Annual Interest |
4.0% |
Interest payment on early termination |
1.2% /annual/ |
Minimum balance |
100,000,000 MNT and equivalent USD |
Interest payment conditions |
End of the period |
Credit conditions |
End of the period |
Debit conditions |
Impossible |
- Customer application form; /download here/
- Official letter; /Request to open an account/
- A copy the registration certificate issued by the State Registration authorities;
- Company charter;
- Authorized signature, stamp /must be authorized by notary/; /download here/
- Authorized person’s documents such as identification card.
Давуу тал
- Мэргэжлийн хөрөнгө оруулалтын шинжээчидтэй;
- Олон улс болон Монголын зах зээлд хөрөнгө татан төвлөрүүлсэн туршлагатай;
- Урт хугацааны, найдвартай хамтын ажиллагаа, түншлэл;
- Хөрөнгийн зах зээлийн шинэ мэдээг хүлээн авах;
Үйлчилгээний төрлүүд
Үнэт цаасыг анх удаа олон нийтэд санал болгох
- Хувьцаа
- Бонд
Үнэт цаасыг хаалттай хүрээнд санал болгох /Биржийн бус зах зээл/
- Хувьцаа
- Бонд
Нэмэлт хувьцаа гаргах
Хөрөнгөөр баталгаажсан үнэт цаас гаргах
No fees for transfers within the bank;
Save your time.
Contributions and fees
Registration fee |
50,000 MNT |
Eligibility or required documents
- Formal request for service registration
- Requests for products and services /download here/
- Signature confirmation form and notarized by bank model /download here/