- Registration of taxpayers, making amendments and removal.
- An entity covered by Article 6 of the Corporate Income Tax Law shall submit the following documents 10 days prior to the commencement of operations and submit an application for registration as a taxpayer to the tax administration electronically or on paper:
- An application form for taxpayer registration
- Resolution of a foreign business entity establishing a representative office in Mongolia, stating the operational areas, duration, name of management team and number of employees;
- Tax-resident certificate
- Documents proving the registration of the parent company as a legal entity /copy /, copy of company charter;
- A copy of the agreement concluded with a Mongolian entity proving the income source is originated from Mongolia
- Evidence of address and location of the representative office
- Resolution and power of attorney appointing the head of the representative office;
- Copies of the application form and documents of the representative office /if the management is a Mongolian citizen, a copy of the ID card is required, if the management if foreign citizen, a temporary ID card registered with the Foreign Citizenship Office and a copy of the passport is required/;
- Beginning financial statement of Representative office