Investment Loan

Terms and conditions

Investment loan MNT USD EUR RMB


Maximum amount

The borrower must finance at least 30% of the total investment.

The maximum loan amount depends on the size of the business, capital and financial capacity.

Interest rate/monthly/

2.00%-1.60% 1.50%-1.10% 1.20%-0.85% 1.20%-0.85%


Interest rate/annually/

24.0%-19.20% 18.00%-13.20% 14.40%-10.20% 14.40%-10.20%



Up to 60 months

Up to 36 months

Service fee

1% of the loan amount /maximum MNT 1,500,000/

Олгосон зээлийн дүнгийн 0.5% буюу дээд хэмжээ нь 1,500 ам.доллар болон түүнтэй тэнцэх евро, юань, иен

Penalty interest rate

Penalty interest rate /equivalent to 20% of base interest rate/ is added to the base interest rate

Fee for changing the original loan terms


Grace period

Up to 12 months

Loan application fee 

30,000 MNT

Credit recording enquiry fee /during loan analysis procedure/

Individual – MNT 1,000

Corporate – MNT 1,000

* Effective percentage rate /annual/: MNT 19.69%-24.51%

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