Quarterly financial statements

As of September 30, 2023

(MNT million)

Balance sheet 31/12/2022 30/09/2023
1 Asset
1.1 Cash and cash equivalents                   483,493                     212,146
1.2 Due from banks and financial institutions                        69,136                       69,464
1.3 Financial investments                        12,279                        47,977
1.4 Loans and advances to customers (net)                     556,701                     622,451
1.4.1 Performing loans                  497,794                  564,519
1.4.2 Non-performing loans                     77,125                    81,232
1.4.3 Deferred loan payment                       (140)                      (173)
1.4.4 Accrued interest receivable                  11,399                    12,368
1.4.5 Loan Loss Provision                 (29,477)                (35,495)
1.5 Derivative financial assets                          3,813                          1,779
1.6 Other financial assets                              694                              692
1.7 Other non-financial assets                          3,274                        15,242
1.8 Fixed assets (net)                        22,125                        21,710
1.9 Properties held for sale                              –                      14,184
1.10 Intangible assets                       10,486                        12,952
1.11 Total assets                  1,162,001                 1,016,906
2 Liabilities
2.1 Current accounts              120,912                  77,018
2.2 Savings accounts              400,133              468,980
2.3 Due to banks and financial institutions             404,291              210,370
2.4 Other funds               20,560                34,960
2.5 Derivative financial liabilities                 5,840                   2,516
2.6 Other liabilities               24,042                32,496
2.7 Total liabilities                975,778                826,340
3 Equity
3.1 Share capital            146,474              146,474
3.2 Share premium               15,647                15,647
3.3 Treasury shares               (7,032)                (7,032)
3.4 Revaluation surplus                         –                          –
3.5 Retained earnings /loss              30,030                35,419
3.6 Other reserves                  1,104                        58
4 Total equity               186,223                190,566
5 Total liabilities and equity            1,162,001             1,016,906


(MNT million)

Income statement 31/12/2022 30/09/2023
1 Interest income           84,938              80,756
1.1 From Bank of Mongolia                 415                 1,747
1.2 From other banks & financial institutions                    2,582                       2,596
1.3 From securities                    4,372                       5,320
1.4 From loans                 72,480                     67,595
1.5 Other interest income                    5,089                      3,498
2 Interest expense                 45,956                    54,282
2.1 Interest expense on current accounts                             –                       1,394
2.2 Interest expense on savings accounts                  37,816                    44,869
2.3 Interest expense on borrowed funds                    2,378                       1,693
2.4 Interest expense on securities                      1,711                          913
2.5 Other interest expense                    4,051                       5,413
3 Net interest income (1-2)                 38,982                     26,474
4 Provision expenses (provision reverse income)                    9,190                      6,044
4.1 Deposits at other banks and financial institutions                        768                               –
4.2 Securities                          69                               –
4.3 Loans                    8,353                      6,044
5 Net interest income after provision [(3)-(4)]                   29,792                    20,430
6 Other income                   31,544                    23,538
6.1 Non-interest income                    31,100                    23,433
6.1.1 Trading income                   19,213                     11,017
6.1.2 Foreign exchange and revaluation income                   10,497                     11,445
6.1.3 Fees and commission income                     1,390                          926
6.1.4 Other non-interest income                             –                            45
6.2 Other income                       444                          105
7 Other expense                   47,704                    39,472
7.1 Non-interest expense                    47,157                    39,182
7.1.1 Other provision expense                       58                            9
7.1.2 Trading expense                  15,191                     8,753
7.1.3 Foreign exchange and revaluation expense                   9,376                   10,727
7.1.4 Fees and commission expense                    1,150                         982
7.1.5 Other operating expense                 21,382                    18,711
7.2 Non-operating expense                      547                         290
8 Profit before tax (5+6-7)                 13,632                     4,496
9 Income tax expense          2,944               211
10 Profit after tax (8-9)        10,688          4,285
11 Other comprehensive income             (76)                   –
12 Total comprehensive income for the year (10+11)          10,612          4,285

(MNT million)

Off balance sheet items 31/12/2022 30/09/2023
Contingencies and commitments (net)         11,078         14,848


Prudential ratios by the Bank of Mongolia Limit 30/09/2023
Tier 1 capital ratio ≥ 9% 24.3%
Capital adequacy ratio ≥ 12% 24.3%
Liquidity ratio ≥ 25% 29.0%
Foreign currency open position ratio (single currency) < ±15% 1.8%
Foreign currency open position ratio (total) < ±30% 4.5%


(MNT million)

Related parties Category of assets Outstanding balance % in total Equity
1 Loans and other equivalent assets provided to a related party (less than 5% of capital) 3.3%
1.1 Shareholders                                  –                                 – 0.0%
1.2 Management                                  –                                 – 0.0%
1.3 Other related parties Loan                      6,353 3.3%
2 Total Loans and other equivalent assets provided to related parties (less than 20% of capital) 13.6%
2.1 Shareholders Loan               100 0.1%
2.2 Management Loan                         415 0.2%
2.3 Other related parties Loan                   25,456 13.3%