Project management department


The department conducts target market research, cost analysis and benefit realizations of new projects, develops, promotes and sells products besides nurturing industry-leading projects. We offer customized investment products and services to customers including developing business plans for the projects that needs investments.

Construction and Infrastructure Business Department


The department focuses on companies and individuals, by providing and developing specific financial products and services for their needs in the area of construction and the infrastructure sector, which is one of the leading sectors in the development of Mongolia. Our team emphasizes the importance of professional know-how, realistic market valuation and risk management in order to improve clients’ business and increase their profitability by adapting regular bank products to reflect sector specific factors. 

Industry and mining department


Main goal of the department is to support individuals and companies in the key sectors that play a significant role in Mongolia’s economic development, such as industry, mining, renewable energy, and heavy industry, and to provide financial services tailored to their specific needs. Moreover, we regularly publish price and cost research and information on machinery, equipment, goods, materials and raw materials, estimate market risks, and conduct research and analysis related to the import, sales and leasing of machinery and equipment.

Export and Import trade department


The department was established with purpose to study the international standards of growth and decline of domestic and foreign trade turnover, transportation, logistics, payment terms, and to provide customers with bank loans, guarantee, letter of credit and collection services. We cooperate closely with foreign and domestic financial institutions and investors on syndicated financing for projects, opening accounts for foreign-funded projects and programs through Transport and development bank, and making advance payments.

Mineral mining license

Documents required to apply for a mining license:

  1. Application (Form K-4)
  2. Mongolian Taxpayer Certificate (Tax Office)
  3. Copy of state registration and certificate of foreign invested company (notarized)
  4. Location of each exploration area and location of the remaining exploration area, corner coordinates and boundary map 2 copies.
  5. Proof of payment for the specified service (original receipt)
  6. Minutes of the Minerals Committee meeting and decisions of the state administrative body that reports on the results of exploration work shall be discussed and approved.
  7. Evidence of fulfillment of obligations under the environmental protection plan during the exploration work.
  8. Exploration license, annex (original)
  9. Decision of the organization or official to conduct the tender for the exploration area funded by the state budget.
  10. Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Mineral exploration license

Documentation required to transfer an exploration license:

  1. Exploration license transfer application (Form K-6)
  2. Evidence of occurrence in the circumstances specified in Articles 49.1 and 49.2 of the Minerals Law.

(49.1- If a legal entity holding an exploration and mining license is re-established in accordance with the Civil Law, the Company Law, and the Partnership Law, the newly established right receiver and the related company may transfer the license to that company.

49.2. An exploration license holder may transfer the license to the person authorized to hold the license by providing evidence that the sold exploration and exploration materials and reports have been sold and taxes have been paid in accordance with the relevant legislation.)

  1. Transferred license, attachment (original)
  2. Description of the transferred and remaining area (Form K-10)
  3. Copy of the state registration certificate of the transferor and recipient legal entity  notarized)
  4. Evidence that the receiving legal entity recognizes the rights and obligations arising from the licensed assignment (Form K-7)
  5. Proof of payment for the specified service (original receipt)
  6. Reference from the Environmental Inspection Agency on mine rehabilitation.
  7. Financial documents confirming rehabilitation costs in the account.
  8. Corner coordinates, location and boundary map 2 copies.
Mineral exploration license

Documents required to renew an exploration license:

  1. Application for extension of exploration license (Form K-11)
  2. Exploration license, annex (original)
  3. Proof of work performed, annual license fee
  4. Document confirming the renewal of the environmental protection plan
  5. Evidence of completion of exploration at this stage
  6. Proof of payment for the specified service (original receipt)
Construction license

Documentation and materials required to apply for a license:

  • The applicant is a legal entity and compiles a state statistical certificate.
  • If the applicant is a citizen, a copy of the ID card is required.
  • Certified copy of graduation certificate of all engineers and technicians who meet the requirements of the relevant type of work and certificate of professional engineering degree;
  • For buildings more than 30 meters high, more than 60 meters long, and more than 16 floors, the construction work and construction design of water and electricity supply sources shall be decided by the meeting of the Ministry of Construction. A copy of the architectural design shall be attached.
  • Tax payer

 Documentation required to apply for a license to produce construction materials (as an in addition to the above documents):

  • Copy of production technical manual registration.
  • Copy of product certificate (for companies)
  • Product test certificate (for companies)
  • Construction permits are issued for a period of five years and can be extended for the same period.

When renewing a license, the license holder must enter the information of the engineer and technician in electronic form in the database.  The license holder shall register the construction project report of the legal entity in the database.

A foreign legal entity shall attach a certified copy of the translation of the license issued by the competent authority of home country when applying for a license.

Deadline for application for a permit:

Within 21 working days after receipt of the application for permission of the legal entity.  In case of emergency situation occurs, the permit will be extended by 14 days.

If permission is denied, a written response shall be provided stating the reasons

Application form (clearly indicating the scope and timing of production and service activities)

Obtain a residence permit

Procedure for obtaining a residence permit

  1. Applying for the appropriate visa category to Immigration Agency of Mongolia
  2. Apply for a visa at a Mongolian embassy or consulate abroad or at a Mongolian border crossing.
  3. Must register within 7 business days after arriving in Mongolia.
  4. Must apply for residence permit at the Immigration agency of Mongolia within 21 days after entry
Obtain a residence permit

Issuance of a residence permit

A residence permit will be issued and will be obtain from the Immigration Agency of Mongolia in accordance with the issuance form.

Obtain a residence permit

Гэр бүлийн зорилгоор оршин суух

GB-1: Монгол Улсын иргэнтэй гэр бүл болж, гэрлэлтээ бүртгүүлсэн гадаадын иргэн

  1. Визийн зөвшөөрөл хүссэн өргөдөл /Гадаадын иргэн, харьяатын газарт гаргасан өргөдөл/
  2. Гэрлэлтийн гэрчилгээ буюу түүнийг орлох бичиг баримтын хуулбар, гадаад хэл дээр бол баталгаат орчуулгын хамт
  3. Уригдагч гадаадын иргэний паспортын хуулбар /хүчинтэй хугацаа 6 сараас доошгүй/
  4. Гэр бүлийн гишүүн Монгол Улсын иргэний бичиг баримтын хуулбар
  5. Визийн зөвшөөрлийн хураамж 1000₮ /нэг хүн/


Санамж: Монгол Улсад ирсэн өдрөөс хойш ажлын 7 хоногийн дотор Гадаадын иргэн, харьяатын газарт бүртгүүлнэ.


GB1-F: Монгол Улсын иргэнтэй гэр бүл болж, гэрлэлтээ бүртгүүлсэн гадаадын иргэний гэр бүлийн гишүүн 


GB-2: Монгол Улсын иргэнээс төрсөн 18 хүртэл насны гадаад улсын харьяат хүүхэд

Монгол Улсын иргэний 18 хүртэл насны гадаад улсын харьяат хүүхдэд “H” ангиллын 90 хүртэлх хоногийн “орох” зориулалтын нэг болон хоёр удаагийн визийг визийн зөвшөөрөлгүйгээр тэмдэгтийн хураамжгүй олгоно.

  1. Мэдүүлгийн хуудас Маягт-1
  2. 3.5×4.5 хэмжээтэй 1 хувь цээж зураг
  3. Гадаадын иргэний паспорт эх хувийг хуулбарын хамт /Паспортын нүүрэн хэсэг, орж ирсэн визийн хамт хуулбарлах/


Санамж: Монгол Улсад ирсэн өдрөөс хойш ажлын 7 хоногийн дотор Гадаадын иргэн, харьяатын газарт бүртгүүлнэ

When applying for a multiple-entry T-visa, a foreign investor in Mongolia must submit the following documentation.

Бүрдүүлэх материал

  1. Үндэсний хөгжлийн газраас олгосон хөрөнгө оруулагчийн тодорхойлолт
  2. Байгууллагын визний зөвшөөрөл хүссэн албан бичиг /байгууллагын үйл ажиллагааны тухай мэдээлэл, гадаадын иргэнийг урих үндэслэл, виз авах боломжтой Дипломат төлөөлөгчийн газар, Консулын газрыг тодорхойлох/
  3. Байгууллагын улсын бүртгэлийн гэрчилгээний хуулбар /урьд нь бүртгүүлж байгаагүй бол/
  4. Гадаад иргэний паспортын хуулбар /хүчинтэй хугацаа 6 сараас доошгүй/
  5. Хүсэлт гаргаж буй байгууллагын ажилтны ажлын газрын үнэмлэх эсхүл хууль ёсны итгэмжлэх
  6. Визний зөвшөөрлийн хураамж 1000₮ /нэг хүн/.
List of documents required to obtain a visa permit / “B” and “C” categories /

The following documents are required to invite a foreigner applying for a visa if intended stay in Mongolia for a period of 31-90 days:

  1. Official request letter by legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, purpose for inviting foreign citizen)
  2. A copy of Legal entity`s state registration certificate / if not registered previously /
  3. Copy of passport  (must be valid for a minimum of 6 months);
  4. Stamp duty note MNT 1000 /Per person/

The decision is taken within 5 working days from the date of application, in case of the emergency service will be issued within 3 working days and the visa response will be delivered by SMS.

You may reach at 7585-1882 by indicating you passport number and may inquiry for a code number between 09:00 and 12:00.

List of documents required to obtain a visa permit / “B” and “C” categories /


o Registration within 7 working days from the date of arrival in Mongolia

o In case of applying for a visa for a foreigner from a country that does not have a Mongolian Diplomatic Mission or Consulate, the inviter shall apply for a visa 14 days prior to the arrival of the foreigner in Mongolia.

To submit additional document if necessary.

List of documents required to obtain a visa permit / “B” and “C” categories /

When applying for a multiple-entry visa, a foreigner must submit the following documents:

  1. Official request letter by legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, purpose for inviting foreign citizen), stating the reason of the multiple entries)
  2. A copy of Legal entity`s state registration certificate / if not registered previously /
  3. Copy of passport  (must be valid for a minimum of 6 months);
  4. Work contract with the inviting business entity or organization / if in a foreign language, with a certified translation / Tax reference of the inviting organization,  other necessary documents for applying multiple-entry visa including custom note/
  5. Issuance of a work permit or Employment Power of Attorney of the requesting organization