- Available in ten (10) major currencies, including MNT, USD, EUR, CNY, JPY, RUB, KRW, GBP, SPD, HKD;
- Instantly carry out various types of cash and non-cash transactions;
- Order domestic or international debit cards linked to your account;
- Foreign exchange services;
Month: May 2022
Terms and conditions
Terms |
Annual interest rate |
3.0%* | 1.2%* | 1.2%* | 1.2%* | 1.2%* | – | – | – | – |
– |
Monthly service fee |
No fee |
Account opening fee |
No fee |
Minimum balance requirement |
1,000 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 200 | 50 | 1,000 | 1 | 1 |
3 |
Account closure fee |
1,000 |
Foreign currency equivalent to 1,000 MNT |
* is the maximum rate of the interest rate on the product |
Other contributions
Eligibility or required documents
Customer application form /download here/
- For Mongolian citizens: Citizens ID card;
- For Foreign citizens: Passport and Certificate of Alien Registration
Мэргэжлийн хамт олон
- Мэргэжлийн
- Гүйцэтгэл сайтай, бүтээмжтэй
- Хөдөлмөрч, хичээл зүтгэлтэй ажиллах
Бид банкаа гэсэн чин сэтгэлтэй, мэргэжлийн өндөр ур чадвартай ажиллагсдыг сэтгэл ханамжтай, тогтвортой, өндөр бүтээмжтэй ажиллуулах хүний нөөцийн бодлого хэрэгжүүлэх замаар ажилтнуудын ажиллах хамгийн таатай орчинг бүрдүүлж, тал бүрээр дэмжин, хөгжин дэвших бололцоогоор хангаж ажиллана.
No additional collateral is required
It will be resolved quickly and in a short period of time.
Terms and conditions
Car loans |
New cars |
Used cars
Loan amount
Up to 300 million MNT
Up to 100 million MNT
The monthly loan payment is no more than 55% of the borrower’s debt-to-income ratio. If the borrower has loans to other banks, NBCs, industrial units, or individuals, the monthly payments made on that loan are included in the debt-to-income ratio. |
Terms |
Up to 30 months
Loan interest /month/
1.6% – 2.0% |
Loan interest /annaul/
19.2% – 24.0% |
Service Fees
1% of the loan amount or the maximum amount is 1,500,000 MNT |
Increased interest
The increased interest rate is equal to 20% of the principal interest rate |
Cars to buy
Advance payment
up to 10%
up to 30%
Fees from suppliers
1% or regulated by the “Cooperation Agreement”.
Application Fee
10,000 MNT |
Other |
It is required to purchase cars from the supplier organization with which the “Cooperation Agreement” has been concluded. |
Credit database reference fee
Citizen – 1,000 MNT
Organization – 1,000 MNT
Have been with the organization for at least 6 months or have been in stable business for at least 1 year;
Up to 55 percent of after-tax income must be sufficient to cover the total monthly interest payments;
- Other banks and financial institutions have no overdue or poor quality loan balances;
Eligibility or required documents
Application, resume /bank model/, 1 copy of photo, identity card
Description of the place of residence
Required documents and bank statements to prove salary or business income
Certificate of collateral and related documents
Other materials necessary by the Bank