The Board of Directors

Erdenebayar Batchuluun

Mr. Erdenebayar Batchuluun graduated from the School of Economics of the National University of Mongolia with a bachelor’s degree in Financial Management from 2004 to 2008 and a master’s degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Luxembourg from 2015 to 2017, a management program at New York University in 2016. He has a CFA level 2 and ERM level 1 international certificate.

He has more than 14 years of professional experience in the banking and finance sector. During his tenure, he has fulfilled positions as a financial analyst at XacBank from 2008 to 2010, a senior financial analyst from 2010 to 2012, Head of the Financial Management department from 2012 to 2015, specialist at Schroder’s asset management company from 2016 to 2017, Head of the Product/Business development department at XacBank from 2017 to 2020, Chief Executive Officer at Credit bank in 2020, and as Chief Executive Officer at TransBank from 2020 to 2022.

Mr. Erdenebayar has served as a member of TransBank’s Board of Directors since January 2, 2023, and was appointed Chairman of the Board in October 2023. Effective August 26, 2024, he has been appointed as the Interim Chief Executive Officer while also maintaining his position as a member of the Board.

The Board of Directors

Bazarmaa Radnaabazar

Bazarmaa Radnaabazar has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Transport and Development Bank since March 2021.

She started her career at Trade and Development Bank LLC in 1998. She has been working as a supervisor, accountant, bank employee and senior banker for 10 consecutive years. She was the CEO of Finance and Development of Mining NBFI LLC.

Bazarmaa graduated from the University of Finance and Economics with a degree in Banking and Finance and specializes in banking and finance, with over 20 years of experience in the field. She has 10 years of experience in management positions in banks and financial institutions.

The Board of Directors

Ashidmaa Dashnyam

Mrs. Ashidmaa Dashnyam graduated from Soviet Secondary School number 3 in 1974, Moscow Institute of International Relations of Moscow in 1989, and Virginia Tech of Virginia, USA, in 1998. She has a professional experience as a Director of Governance and Corporate Secretary at XacBank and Tenger Financial Union LLC from 2011 to 2022, Deputy Director and Corporate secretary at Energy Resource LLC from 2009 to 2011, business and financial advisor at the United States Agency for International Development’s Economic Policy Reform and Competitiveness Project from 2004 to 2009, financial analyst at the Mongolian privatization project of the United States Agency for International Development from 1998 to 2004, economic assistant at the US Embassy in Mongolia from 1992 to 1996, foreign affairs officer at the Ministry of Labor of Mongolia from 1990 to 1992, and as an import specialist at the Materialimpex supply union from 1989 to 1990. She has a master’s degree in Economics and a bachelor’s degree in International Economic Relations. She attended Harvard Business School and International Finance Corporation courses in corporate governance.

Thus, she has been appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of the Transport and Development Bank, effective January 2, 2023.

The Board of Directors

Munkhbayar Batkhuu

Munkhbayar B. graduated from the Mongolian Institute of Finance and Economics with a bachelor’s degree in Business management, marketing, and management in 1998. He earned a master’s degree in computer software engineering from the University of Science and Technology in 2002, and a degree in software outsourcing project management in Tokyo, Japan.

With 14 years of experience in banking and financial institutions, he served as the General Manager of T&C Co., Ltd. from 1996 to 2000, System Administrator and Marketing manager at Mobicom Corporation from 2000 to 2004, General Manager and Executive Director at United Solutions International Inc. from 2005 to 2010, IT Director at XacBank from 2010 to 2014, Project Management Consultant at GIZ from 2013 to 2019, IT Director of Arig Bank from 2014 to 2018, Director and founder of CRMC (Consulting LLC, Mongolian Artificial Intelligence Research Institute) since 2014, and currently, he is serving as the Auditor of the Mongolian University of Life Sciences and the Contract Director of Information Technology since 2022.

As of December 6, 2023, he has been appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of TransBank.

The Board of Directors

Baasanjav Tumur

Baasanjav has been appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of the Trans Bank since July 25, 2024. In 2010-2013, he was an Assistant Professor at Hitotsubashi University and the University of Rochester, in 2014-2017 he was a Senior Specialist and Director of the Commercial Department at the Agricultural Exchange, in 2017-2019 he was the Deputy Director and Director of the Operations Department of King Insurance LLC, in 2019-2021. In 2021-2023, he worked as the Deputy Director of Mongolia Insurance Co., Ltd., and as the Director of the Finance Department of the Development Bank of Mongolia in 2021-2023. He graduated a Kobe University in Japan with a Bachelor’s degree in economics and macroeconomics, Hitotsubashi University with a Master’s degree in economics, and Rochester University in the United States with a Master’s degree in economics.

Loan for NBFIs


  1. Flexible and favorable
The Board of Directors

Oyuntsatsral Banid

Oyuntsatsral Banid has more than 20 years of experience in the banking and financial sector. Since 1996, she has worked as an inspector and senior inspector at the Supervision Department of the Bank of Mongolia. Since 2015, she has been the Head of the Risk Management Department and the Supervision Department of the Financial Regulatory Commission, and since 2017, she has been the Executive Director of Shine Erin Medical LLC.

She graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the National University of Mongolia in 1994 with a degree in banking economics, and from the National University of Mongolia in 1996 with a master’s degree in business administration. In 2005, she received a master’s degree in international business administration from Sofia University in Japan. Oyuntsatsral has been an independent member of the Board of Directors of the Transport and Development Bank since April 2021.

The Board of Directors

Zorigtbaatar Chansaa

Чансаа овогтой Зоригтбаатар нь 1997 онд Санхүү эдийн засгийн дээд сургуулийг Банк санхүүгийн эдийн засагч мэргэжлээр Бакалавр, 1998 онд Монгол Улсын Их сургуулийн Хууль эрх зүйн сургуулийг Эрхзүйч мэргэжлээр Бакалавр, Магистр зэрэг тус тус хамгаалж төгссөн.

Тэрээр банк санхүүгийн байгууллагад 25 гаруй жил ажиллаж байгаа туршлагатай бөгөөд ажиллах хугацаандаа 1996 онд Төрийн өмчийн хорооны хуулийн зөвлөх, 1997-1998 онд Монгол Улсын их сургуулийн Хууль зүйн дунд сургуулийн хичээлийн эрхлэгч, 1998-2006 онд Монголбанкны Хуулийн хэлтсийн мэргэжилтэн, 2006-2009 онд Зоос банканд эрх зүйн газрын захирал, Анод банк ХК дахь банкны эрх хүлээн авагчийн зөвлөлийн гишүүн, 2016 онд Төрийн банкны ахлах мэргэжилтэн мөн өмгөөлөгчдийн холбооны өмгөөлөгчөөр одоог хүртэл ажиллаж байна.

Ч.Зоригтбаатар нь Тээвэр хөгжлийн банкны Төлөөлөн удирдах зөвлөлийн хараат бус гишүүнээр 2024 оны 02 дугаар сарын 01-ний өдрөөс эхлэн томилогдон ажиллаж байна.

Loan for NBFIs

Terms and conditions

Loan for NFBI




The amount of bank financing shall not exceed 80% of the total working capital. The maximum loan amount depends on the size of the business, capital and financial capacity.

Interest rate / monthly/

2.00%-1.60% 1.35%-1.00% 1.35%-1.00% 1.35%-1.00%


Interest rate / annually/

24.00%-19.20% 16.20%-12.00%  16.20%-12.00%  16.20%-12.00%



Up to 36 months

Service fee 

1% of the loan amount /maximum MNT 1,500,000/ or equivalent currency

0.5% of the loan amount /maximum USD 1,500 or amount equivalent to EUR, CNY, JPY

Penalty interest rate

Penalty interest rate /equivalent to 20% of base interest rate/ is added to the base interest rate

Fee for changing the original loan terms


Grace period

Up to 12 months

Loan application fee 

30,000 MNT

Credit recording enquiry fee /during loan analysis procedure/

Individual – MNT 1,000

Loan for NBFIs

Required documents

  • Official request/amount, interest, term and collateral pledged should be stated/
  • Loan Application / Bank’s application / 
  • Resolution of the Board of Directors on ​​obtaining a loan. / decision on the amount, interest, term, collateral of the requested loan and appointment of the person authorized to sign /
  • Copy of company certificate, copy of company charter / stamped by state registration office /
  • Copy of ID card of the person authorized to sign the loan agreement (founders, CEO, CFO, etc.), borrower’s application form (if legal entity)
  • Business licenses, plans and other documents
  • The purpose of the loan, contract, project, etc.
  • The market and competitor’s analysis
  • Tax reference
  • GCCA reference / in the name of the organization and shareholders /
  • Reference from GASR / on behalf of enterprises and major shareholders /
  • Financial statements of the company certified by the Audit and Tax Administration – / for the last 4 quarters, at the end of the last year/
  • Financial statements at the end of the year. These include: list of receivables, current assets, fixed assets, payables and liabilities and sales, unit cost, balance sheet for the last 1 year
  • Account statement / last 12 months /
  • Pledge of immovable property (if the pledged property is in the name of another organization, a copy of the company’s certificate, charter, decision and resolution authorizing to pledge)
  • Collateral historical and detailed reference
  • Pledge land’s certificate, contract and cadastral map
  • List and certificate of pledged machinery and equipment
  • Proof of tax payment in case of real estate purchase
  • Loan agreement and loan account statement if you have outstanding loans with other banks and NBFIs.
  • Other required additional materials
Commercial mortgage

Terms and conditions






Up to 120 months


Up to 75 percent of the total contract pricing or equivalent in foreign currency up to 20 percent of the maximum equity

Interest rate /monthly/ 2.00%-1.60% 1.35%-1.00% 1.35%-1.00% 1.35%-1.00% 1.35%-1.00%
Interest rate /annually/ 24.00%-19.20% 16.20%-12.00% 16.20%-12.00% 16.20%-12.00% 16.20%-12.00%

Minimum 25%

Grace period

Depending on the loan purpose

Other terms

Currency conversion is possible every 6 months or 1 year


Application fee

30,000 MNT

Service fee

0.5% of the loan amount /maximum MNT 1,500,000/ or equivalent currency


Purchased asset on credit must covered by comprehensive insurance. The client is responsible for the insurance premium.

Credit recording enquiry fee /during loan analysis procedure/

Individual – 1,000 MNT

Corporate – 1,000 MNT

* Effective percentage rate /annual/: MNT 20.11%-24.95%

Commercial mortgage


  • Running the business in the last 12 months and continuing it as a going concern
  • Good credit history and score and other evidence of ability to repay the loan
  • Collateral to satisfy the bank’s requirements
  • Other requirements from the bank on a case by case basis
Job support loan


  1. Borrower is enabled to maintain jobs, to obtain working capital necessary for the consistent operations of the business, and to have access in refinancing previous jobs supporting loan the borrower took from other bank.
Job support loan

Terms and conditions

Product terms

Job support loan

Loan amount /Securitization/

Up to MNT 500,000,000

Loan interest rate /annual/ 


Loan term

Up to 36 months

Service fee

In case of new loan, it shall not exceed 1 percent of the loan amount  /max. MNT 1,500,000/

Penalty interest rate

Penalty interest rate is equivalent to 20 percent of the base interest rate

Application fee

MNT 30,000


Other requirements and conditions of the Bank of Mongolia

Credit recording enquiry fee /during loan analysis procedure/

Individual – MNT 1,000

Corporate – MNT 1,000 

Job support loan


  1. The borrower must have run business operations inside Mongolian territory; 
  2. History of running the business in the last 12 months;
  3. Good credit history and score and other evidence of ability to repay the loan;
  4. Collateral to satisfy the bank’s requirements;
  5. In case of a legal entity, the shareholder has not changed since the Government Resolution was issued on February 17, 2021;
  6. The borrower must register the business as a value-added tax withholder or exempt from value-added tax;
  7. To meet the requirements set forth in Articles 4.1.1 and 7.1 of the Law on Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises and Services in case of insufficient collateral to obtain a guaranteed loan from the State Property Committee;
  8. Other requirements from the bank on a case by case basis;
  9. Other requirements set by the Bank for the implementation of this agreement within the framework of loan operations procedures and instructions.