
Non-tax related support for investors

Non-tax related support for investors can be provided in the following ways. Those include:

  1. Lease a land under contractual terms up to 60 years. Extend the contract up to 40 years under the same terms once after the end of the first contractual term;
  2. To support investors operating in non-free zones, industrial and technology parks, and to provide registration and inspection procedures on concessional basis;
  3. To support the implementation of infrastructure, industrial, scientific and educational development projects, increase the number and quantity of foreign labor and specialists, exempt from job fees, and issue relevant permits on a concessional basis;
  4. Support the financing of innovation projects and provide guarantees for financing the production of export-oriented innovative products;;
  5. Issuance of multiple entry visas and permanent residence permits in accordance to the relevant Laws to foreign investors who have invested in Mongolia;
  6. Other promotions specified in the applicable Laws.

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