Executive management team

Maksat Tutan

Maksat Tutan was appointed as the Chief Treasury Officer at TransBank of Mongolia on November 22, 2023.

With over 16 years of experience in banking and finance, Mr.Maksat specializes in foreign exchange and precious metal trading , as well as bank assets and financial management. His career began in 2008 at XacBank, where he served as an asset and liability Manager before progressing to roles such as Dealer and Senior dealer in 2020. Since 202 0, he has held a managerial position at Transport Development Bank JSC.

In the years 2004-2008, Maksat Tutan graduated from the University of Commerce and business with a bachelor’s degree in banking economics and accounting. He is a certified professional who has successfully completed the experience exchange program on “Reserve Management” by the Central Bank of Germany (Deutsche Bundesbank) and holds a Level 1 certificate in “Private Banking Management” from the University of Luxembourg.