D. Ashidmaa graduated from the Institute of International Relations in Moscow, Russia in 1984-1989, and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute in the USA in 1996-1998. In 1989-1990, he was an import specialist at Materialimpex Supply Union, in 1990-1992 he was a foreign relations specialist at the Ministry of Labor of Mongolia, in 1992-1996 he was an economic assistant at the US Embassy in Mongolia, and in 1998-2004 he was a US International Development Officer. financial analyst of the agency’s Mongolian privatization project, Mongolian mortgage in 2006-2007 Acting CEO of the corporation, 2004-2009, business and financial consultant for the economic policy reform project of the United States International Development Agency, 2009-2011, deputy director and company secretary of Energy Resources LLC, 2011-2014, Sky Financial Group Director of Investor Relations and Governance at LLC, 2014-2022 He has experience working as the Director of Administration and Company Secretary in Khasbank. Thus, he has been working as a member of the Board of Directors of the Transport Development Bank since January 2, 2023.